425 resultaten

31 juli 2020

Iman Esmael Zadeh has been invited by Prof. Harry Awater of Caltech to give a talk at the ACS Photonics Global Webinar

Iman Esmael Zadeh has been invited by Prof. Harry Awater of Caltech  to give a talk at the ACS Photonics Global Webinar

Dr. Iman Esmael Zadeh, postdoc in the Optics Group, has been invited by Prof. Harry Awater of Caltech to give a talk on Wednesday 5 August in the ACS Photonics Global Webinar about his recent paper.

31 juli 2020

Paper "Efficient Single-Photon Detection with 7.7 ps Time Resolution for Photon-Correlation Measurements" published in ACS Photonics

Paper "Efficient Single-Photon Detection with 7.7 ps Time Resolution for Photon-Correlation Measurements" published in ACS Photonics

Iman Zadeh (1st author), Jin Chang (PhD student), Jereon Swens (bachelor student), Yuri Staaden (stagiaire) and Silvania Pereira in collaboration with KTH (Sweden), Tianjin University (China) and Single Quantum have published an article on the development and applications of very efficient single photon detectors with 7.7. ps time resolution.

28 juli 2020

Online course: Pre-university Pysics

Online course: Pre-university Pysics

On August 3rd, 2020 the new online course “Pre-university Physics” will start. The instructors Jeroen Kalkman, Liedewij Laan, Sander Otte and Timon Idema will guide prospective students into the academic approach of physics. The course consists of three modules: mechanics, electricity & magnetism, and waves.

28 juli 2020

Sebastian Weingärtner, one of the 'Rising Stars' of the Delft Health Initiative

Sebastian Weingärtner, one of the 'Rising Stars' of the Delft Health Initiative

Read about Sebastian Weingärtner, one of the 'Rising Stars' of the Delft Health Initiative. Weingärtner is setting up his own lab at ImPhys. He will focus on MRI physics. For his research at TU Delft, he already got his first grant approved, the NWO start-up grant, which aims to support labs in the basic sciences.

28 juli 2020

Boling Ouyang successfully defended his PhD thesis

Boling Ouyang successfully defended his PhD thesis

On July 17th, 2020 Boling Ouyang successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Integrated photonics interrogator and sensors for ultrasound detection".

07 juli 2020

Paul Urbach and Zheng Xi published paper on resolution with far field optics in Photonics Magazine

Paul Urbach and Zheng Xi published paper on resolution with far field optics in Photonics Magazine

It is common knowledge in optics that, when only tar fields are measured, there is a fundamental limit to the resolution given by the wavelength of the light. Yet research continues to beat this fundamental limit.

07 juli 2020

Pieter Kruit et al published paper on "Reducing the Magnetic Fields around DC Light Rail Systems"

Pieter Kruit et al published paper on "Reducing the Magnetic Fields around DC Light Rail Systems"

DC electrified light rail or tram systems cause low frequency magnetic fields that may disturb scientific and medical instruments in their environment. A concept was developed that significantly reduces these magnetic fields.

07 juli 2020

Yan Guo successfully defended her PhD thesis

Yan Guo successfully defended her PhD thesis

On June 24, 2020 Yan Guo successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Image quality assessment and image fusion for electron tomography".

03 juli 2020

Leon van der Graaff and Sjoerd Stallinga have published a paper on Computational imaging modalities for multi-focal whole-slide imaging systems in Applied Optics

Leon van der Graaff and Sjoerd Stallinga have published a paper on Computational imaging modalities for multi-focal whole-slide imaging systems in Applied Optics

This research was carried out in cooperation with pathologists from Erasmus MC and Leiden University MC, and reports on new ways to image tissues in 3D, using a slide scanner that can scan multiple focal layers in a single scan. The images were acquired on a research prototype of such a scanner of Philips Digital & Computational Pathology.

03 juli 2020

Freek Pols published paper: "A Physics Lab Course in Times of COVID-19"

Freek Pols published paper: "A Physics Lab Course in Times of COVID-19"

Freek Pols published a paper in the Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education. In this practitioner contribution, he elaborates on how the first-year lab course was adapted to the COVID-19 measures.


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