425 resultaten

30 maart 2020

Research during Corona: Elizabeth Carroll's story

Research during Corona: Elizabeth Carroll's story

"My research group is mainly experimental, combining optics and biology, so certainly our work is altered a lot right now. I see students feeling grief that they will not be able to achieve all of their original BEP/MEP goals.

30 maart 2020

David Maresca, one of the 'Rising Stars' of the Delft Health Initiative

David Maresca, one of the 'Rising Stars' of the Delft Health Initiative

Read about David Maresca, one of the 'Rising Stars' of the Delft Health Initiative. Maresca is setting up his own lab at ImPhys. He will focus on biomolecular ultrasound imaging.

23 maart 2020

Publication Jos van Rooij on polarization contrast optical diffraction tomography (ODT) in Biomedical Optics Express

Publication Jos van Rooij on polarization contrast optical diffraction tomography (ODT) in Biomedical Optics Express

Jos van Rooij, PhD student in the group of Jeroen Kalkman, published a paper on polarization contrast optical diffraction tomography (ODT) in a recent issue of Biomedical Optics Express. The paper builds on earlier work on large scale high sensitivity ODT where a zebrafish larva was imaged in phase contrast.

18 maart 2020

Hamidreza Heydarian successfully defended his PhD thesis

Hamidreza Heydarian successfully defended his PhD thesis

On March 17th, 2020 Hamidreza Heydarian successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Particle fusion in localization microscopy".

17 maart 2020

Pre-University on Campus Track

Pre-University on Campus Track

Ten pre-University students (5 VWO) started on March 6th the pre-University on Campus Track: Determining g. In four sessions of 4 hours the students will determine the gravitational constant within 1% of the literature value using a free-fall experiment.

13 maart 2020

Scottish grant for short-term visit at Hoogenboom lab

Scottish grant for short-term visit at Hoogenboom lab

Dr Gunasekar, staff scientist at University of Strathclyde and expert in electron backscatter and electron channeling detection, has received a short-term visit grant from the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance to visit the lab of Jacob Hoogenboom at ImPhys this summer.

13 maart 2020

ZonMW Enabling Technologies grant for Jacob Hoogenboom

ZonMW Enabling Technologies grant for Jacob Hoogenboom

Jacob Hoogenboom has received a ZonMW Enabling Technologies grant to collaborate with the University Medical Center in Groningen to optimize biological sample preparation for the novel multi-beam SEM that is currently being developed by a public-private partnership including ImPhys.

13 maart 2020

Dion Terwiel joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Dion Terwiel joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Dion Terwiel recently graduated Life Science and Technology from the University of Technology in Delft. He subsequently spent 9 months working as a process development technologist in a start-up where Dion worked on lignocellulose feedstocks for bioethanol production. Dion will join David Maresca's group in the development of a biomolecular ultrasound pH sensor based on acoustic reporter proteins (gas vesicles).

13 maart 2020

Paulina Siuryte joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Paulina Siuryte joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Paulina Siuryte is a recent physics graduate from University in Surrey, UK. During her research year placement, she has worked with gamma-ray spectroscopy group in TRIUMF (Vancouver, Canada). Her project in TU Delft will be focused on researching new imaging biomarkers with Quantitative MRI. Her supervisor is Sebastian Weingärtner.

09 maart 2020

Peter Speets joined ImPhys as PhD student

Peter Speets joined ImPhys as PhD student

Peter Speets will work on a method to measure the composition and particle size distribution of a turbid sample using optical coherence tomography (OCT). His supervisor is Jeroen Kalkman.


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