425 resultaten

04 november 2020

ImPhys MSc student Teun Huijben best Graduate of the Faculty of Applied Sciences

ImPhys MSc student Teun Huijben best Graduate of the Faculty of Applied Sciences

Seeing tiny particles even better through a microscope – student Teun Huijben managed it for his Master’s thesis. As well as a top mark, the breakthrough has also earned him the title Best Graduate of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.

04 november 2020

ImPhys PhD student Rick Waasdorp best Graduate of the Faculty of 3mE

ImPhys PhD student Rick Waasdorp best Graduate of the Faculty of 3mE

We know that the brain sends a muscle a message before it moves. But we are not entirely sure what happens next. Rick Waasdorp has come up with a swift, non-invasive technique for looking at exactly this. It is perfect for further research into muscular dystrophy.

29 oktober 2020

Research Jeroen Kalkman on Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earing in TU Delft stories

Research Jeroen Kalkman on Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earing in TU Delft stories

In 2018, Johannes Vermeer’s world-famous Girl with a Pearl Earring underwent a total ‘body scan’: using state-of-the-art techniques, the painting was studied in painstaking detail from top to bottom. It provided a wealth of new insights about the painting and the painter. Four TU Delft faculties worked on the project.

29 oktober 2020

TU lecturer also online popular

TU lecturer also online popular

Ron Haaksman, lecturer physics practical work & experiments has been interviewed by the local newspaper the "Delftse Post" about his work during covid times.

28 oktober 2020

Spotlight on Optics: "Convolutional neural network applied for nanoparticle classification using coherent scatterometry data"

Spotlight on Optics: "Convolutional neural network applied for nanoparticle classification using coherent scatterometry data"

This highlighted article from OSA journals addresses the important problem of "killer" particle detection and classification on wafers in semiconductor manufacturing. This is a challenging problem because the particles are generally sub-micrometer in size, and detection must be performed at high speed. The authors use a convolutional neural network to classify the particles to five classes: 80 nm, 60 nm, 50 nm, 40 nm and background.

26 oktober 2020

Romano Groeneveld joined ImPhys as a master student

Romano Groeneveld joined ImPhys as a master student

Romano Groeneveld will be working on his master thesis under supervision of Prof. Dr. Paul Urbach and in cooperation with eye surgeon N. Reus. He will conduct research in the field of optics in the human eye. More specifically, they are aiming to trace undesired side-effects in multi-focal intra-ocular lenses (multi-focal IOL’s) and try to solve these issues.

21 oktober 2020

Cover article on new technique for ultrafast electron microscopy

Cover article on new technique for ultrafast electron microscopy

Mathijs Garming, Pieter Kruit, and Jacob Hoogenboom (imaging physics) have published a paper in collaboration with Maarten Bolhuis and Sonia Conesa-Boj (quantum nanoscience) on a new technique for doing ultrafast scanning electron microscopy (USEM).

20 oktober 2020

New paper online: "Cramér-Rao lower bound and maximum-likelihood estimation in ptychography with Poisson noise"

New paper online: "Cramér-Rao lower bound and maximum-likelihood estimation in ptychography with Poisson noise"

Xukang Wei, H. Paul Urbach, and Wim M. J. Coene published a paper in the Physical Review A. They investigated the performance of ptychography with noisy data by analyzing the Cramér-Rao lower bound.

09 oktober 2020

New paper on teaching a physics lab course in times of COVID

New paper on teaching a physics lab course in times of COVID

Freek Pols is co-author of a paper on teaching a physics lab course in times of COVID by Forrest Bradbury (AUC), Freek is involved in this Comenius project as an expert on physics lab courses and has contributed in designing this Pandemic resilient lab course.

07 oktober 2020

Sina Sadighikia joined ImPhys as a postdoc

Sina Sadighikia joined ImPhys as a postdoc

Sina will be working on the technological development and industrial adaptation of multi-beam microscopes under the supervision of Jacob Hoogenboom and Pieter Kruit.


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