425 resultaten

29 juni 2020

Daan Boltje joins Hoogenboom group as industrial PhD

Daan Boltje joins Hoogenboom group as industrial PhD

Daan Boltje joins Hoogenboom group as industrial PhD. Daan is an experimental physicist working at Delmic, who will join ImPhys for about 3 years to work on a so-called industrial PhD position.

26 juni 2020

Paper Maurice Krielaart higlighted as editor's pick in Journal of Applied Physics

Paper Maurice Krielaart higlighted as editor's pick in Journal of Applied Physics

The paper of Maurice Krielaart on "Miniature electron beam separator based on three stacked dipoles" has been highlighted as editor's pick in the Journal of Applied Physics.

25 juni 2020

Eerste detector-array gereed voor GUSTO ballonmissie

Eerste detector-array gereed voor GUSTO ballonmissie

De eerste detector-array voor NASA's GUSTO-missie heeft zijn pre-shipment review doorstaan en wordt nu naar de Universiteit van Arizona verzonden voor integratie in de ballontelescoop. SRON ontwikkelt samen met TU Delft de drie 8-pixel-arrays, voor de frequenties 4.7, 1.9 en 1.4 terahertz. Ze hebben nu de array voltooid voor het 4.7 terahertzkanaal—het lastigste onderdeel. GUSTO is een ballonmissie die de emissies gaat meten van materiaal tussen de sterren; het interstellaire medium.

22 juni 2020

Paper Martijn Nagtegaal on "Myelin water imaging from multi-echo MR relaxometry data using a joint sparsity constraint" is published in NeuroImage

Paper Martijn Nagtegaal on "Myelin water imaging from multi-echo MR relaxometry data using a joint sparsity constraint" is published in NeuroImage

Myelination is a crucial aspect of brain development and is essential for the functioning of the nervous system. Demyelination, on the other hand, is a pathological process that plays an important role in certain diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Accurate measurement of myelin content has the potential to increase our insights into several disease processes. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enables imaging of features related to (de-)myelination in vivo. Martijn Nagtegaal uses dictionary matching and a joint sparsity multicomponent T2 fit to obtain MWF maps.

19 juni 2020

Sneak preview new Makerspace

Sneak preview new Makerspace

Although many on-campus activities were cancelled, the development of the new MAKERSPACE continues steadily. In this makerspace students can tinker and build prototypes.

03 juni 2020

IRIS-lab one of the eight new TU Delft AI Labs

IRIS-lab one of the eight new TU Delft AI Labs

TU Delft is setting up eight new AI Labs to investigate how artificial intelligence (AI) can accelerate scientific progress. With the IRIS-lab (Intelligent & Reliable Imaging Systems) the involved researchers David Maresca, Arjen J. Jakobi and Carlas Smith want to open the "black box" of AI and develop methodologies for context-independent, knowledge-based learning of imaging systems that will address fundamental challenges in all quantitative imaging applications.

26 mei 2020

‘We have a chance to reinvent ourselves’. An interview with lecturer Maria Sovago.

‘We have a chance to reinvent ourselves’. An interview with lecturer Maria Sovago.

Many of us are going through a difficult time at the moment. COVID-19 and the measures imposed by the Dutch government and TU Delft affect us all. Everyone is facing major challenges. We asked Dr Maria Sovago – lecturer in physics at the faculty of Applied Sciences – to share her experiences and best practices with us.

06 mei 2020

Multibeam SEM shifts 3D cell imaging into top gear

Multibeam SEM shifts 3D cell imaging into top gear

Bits&Chips published an article on the development of a multibeam SEM at ImPhys: "Medical and biological scientists are eager to create 3D images for their research at nanometer resolution. However, without an efficient technique to make the scan, the process is difficult and painfully slow. To make this research feasible, ImPhys/TU Delft is teaming up with a consortium of enterprises to develop and innovative device: a multibeam scanning electron microscope".

01 mei 2020

Master student Thomas van der Sijs publishes paper: “Electromagnetic Scattering beyond the weak regime: Solving the problem of divergent Born series by Pade’ approximants” in Physical Review Research

Master student Thomas van der Sijs publishes paper: “Electromagnetic Scattering beyond the weak regime: Solving the problem of divergent Born series by Pade’ approximants” in Physical Review Research

The paper introduces a new rigorous method to solve electromagnetic scattering problems in the strong scattering regime. Conventional methods such as FDTD, FEM or integral equation methods require computing the solution of a very large set of linear equations.

08 april 2020

NWO LIFT grant for Carrol and Hoogenboom labs

NWO LIFT grant for Carrol and Hoogenboom labs

An NWO-LIFT grant has been awarded to a consortium of researchers including Elizabeth Carroll and Jacob Hoogenboom from ImPhys. In the consortium, further comprising UMC Groningen and ImPhys spin-off Delmic BV, novel microscopy techniques will be used to better visualize and understand structural/functional properties in medical biology, and to create tissue atlases.


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