425 resultaten

10 december 2020

New publication in ACS Nano: "Versatile Multilayer Metamaterial Nanoparticles with Tailored Optical Constants for Force and Torque Transduction"

New publication in ACS Nano: "Versatile Multilayer Metamaterial Nanoparticles with Tailored Optical Constants for Force and Torque Transduction"

Researchers from the ImPhys Optics group have a new publication in ACS Nano for their collaborative work with the team of Nynke Dekker on: "Versatile Multilayer Metamaterial Nanoparticles with Tailored Optical Constants for Force and Torque Transduction".

09 december 2020

NWO XS grant for Elizabeth Carroll

NWO XS grant for Elizabeth Carroll

The Board of NWO Domain Science has awarded sixteen applications in the NWO Open Competition Domain Science - XS. Elizabeth Carroll received the grant for her project: "Mechanism of tissue damage in FLASH radiotherapy".

01 december 2020

Adib Ridwan joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Adib Ridwan joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Ridwan will work on the Ultrasonic Sensor system development for cancer cell detection. His supervisors are Martin Verweij, Nico de Jong and Paul van Neer.

01 december 2020

PhD student Rick Waasdorp winner of the Philips Graduation Prize Technology for Healthcare Solutions from the KHMW

PhD student Rick Waasdorp winner of the Philips Graduation Prize Technology for Healthcare Solutions from the KHMW

A ten for his graduation research, voted 'best graduate' of the 3mE faculty of TU Delft and winner of the Philips Graduation Prize Technology for Healthcare Solutions from the KHMW. The world of science lies at the feet of research talent Rick Waasdorp. He opted for a PhD Medical Imaging at ImPhys for the scientific program Medical Delta UltraHB, under the supervision of Dr. David Maresca.

01 december 2020

Alina Kuliesh joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Alina Kuliesh joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Alina will apply AI-technology to ultrasound imaging to unravel fundamental challenges in quantitative bioimaging applications. Her supervisor is David Maresca.

01 december 2020

Xiufeng Li joined ImPhys as a Postdoc

Xiufeng Li joined ImPhys as a Postdoc

Xiufeng will work on smart sensing systems and biomedical sensors. His supervisors are Nico de Jong and Martin Verweij.

01 december 2020

Onderzoekers kijken diep in weefsel

Onderzoekers kijken diep in weefsel

Eén van de uitdagingen in de optische beeldvorming is het scherp in beeld brengen van het binnenste van weefsel. Met traditionele methoden kun je tot ongeveer een millimeter diepte kijken. Onderzoekers van de TU Delft hebben nu een nieuwe methode ontwikkeld waarmee ze tot maar liefst vier keer zo diep kunnen gaan: tot zo’n vier millimeter. Vooral de gezondheidszorg kan in de toekomst van de nieuwe techniek profiteren.

26 november 2020

Van beeldvorming tot analyse: hoe Delmics nieuwe FAST-EM-systeem de elektronenmicroscopie verandert

Van beeldvorming tot analyse: hoe Delmics nieuwe FAST-EM-systeem de elektronenmicroscopie verandert

Delmic is launching an automated ultra-fast system, FAST-EM, which uses 64 electron beams. Reliable and extremely fast, FAST-EM is aimed at imaging biological samples without the need to constantly babysit the machine.

10 november 2020

Malavika Manju Sudheer joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Malavika Manju Sudheer joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Malavika Manju Sudheer will be working on the project SYNOPTICS. This project aims to use all the properties of light; Amplitude, Phase, Polarisation and Wavelength to achieve ultimate performance in imaging and sensing device applications. Her supervisor is Silvania Pereira.

09 november 2020

An all-time high for far-infrared space exploration

An all-time high for far-infrared space exploration

Next year, a helium balloon the size of a soccer stadium will bring a NASA telescope to the edge of space. This project is called GUSTO, and it will help scientists understand galactic evolution by probing interstellar gas. Its most important payload are three detectors developed by Jian Rong Gao and his teams at TU Delft and SRON, without which the telescope would be blind as to its mission purpose.


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