422 results

28 July 2020

Sebastian Weingärtner, one of the 'Rising Stars' of the Delft Health Initiative

Sebastian Weingärtner, one of the 'Rising Stars' of the Delft Health Initiative

Read about Sebastian Weingärtner, one of the 'Rising Stars' of the Delft Health Initiative. Weingärtner is setting up his own lab at ImPhys. He will focus on MRI physics. For his research at TU Delft, he already got his first grant approved, the NWO start-up grant, which aims to support labs in the basic sciences.

28 July 2020

Boling Ouyang successfully defended his PhD thesis

Boling Ouyang successfully defended his PhD thesis

On July 17th, 2020 Boling Ouyang successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Integrated photonics interrogator and sensors for ultrasound detection".

07 July 2020

Paul Urbach and Zheng Xi published paper on resolution with far field optics in Photonics Magazine

Paul Urbach and Zheng Xi published paper on resolution with far field optics in Photonics Magazine

It is common knowledge in optics that, when only tar fields are measured, there is a fundamental limit to the resolution given by the wavelength of the light. Yet research continues to beat this fundamental limit.

07 July 2020

Pieter Kruit et al published paper on "Reducing the Magnetic Fields around DC Light Rail Systems"

Pieter Kruit et al published paper on "Reducing the Magnetic Fields around DC Light Rail Systems"

DC electrified light rail or tram systems cause low frequency magnetic fields that may disturb scientific and medical instruments in their environment. A concept was developed that significantly reduces these magnetic fields.

07 July 2020

Yan Guo successfully defended her PhD thesis

Yan Guo successfully defended her PhD thesis

On June 24, 2020 Yan Guo successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Image quality assessment and image fusion for electron tomography".

03 July 2020

Leon van der Graaff and Sjoerd Stallinga have published a paper on Computational imaging modalities for multi-focal whole-slide imaging systems in Applied Optics

Leon van der Graaff and Sjoerd Stallinga have published a paper on Computational imaging modalities for multi-focal whole-slide imaging systems in Applied Optics

This research was carried out in cooperation with pathologists from Erasmus MC and Leiden University MC, and reports on new ways to image tissues in 3D, using a slide scanner that can scan multiple focal layers in a single scan. The images were acquired on a research prototype of such a scanner of Philips Digital & Computational Pathology.

03 July 2020

Freek Pols published paper: "A Physics Lab Course in Times of COVID-19"

Freek Pols published paper: "A Physics Lab Course in Times of COVID-19"

Freek Pols published a paper in the Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education. In this practitioner contribution, he elaborates on how the first-year lab course was adapted to the COVID-19 measures.

29 June 2020

Daan Boltje joins Hoogenboom group as industrial PhD

Daan Boltje joins Hoogenboom group as industrial PhD

Daan Boltje joins Hoogenboom group as industrial PhD. Daan is an experimental physicist working at Delmic, who will join ImPhys for about 3 years to work on a so-called industrial PhD position.

26 June 2020

Paper Maurice Krielaart higlighted as editor's pick in Journal of Applied Physics

Paper Maurice Krielaart higlighted as editor's pick in Journal of Applied Physics

The paper of Maurice Krielaart on "Miniature electron beam separator based on three stacked dipoles" has been highlighted as editor's pick in the Journal of Applied Physics.

25 June 2020

First detector array delivered to GUSTO mission

First detector array delivered to GUSTO mission

The first detector array for NASA's GUSTO mission has passed its pre-shipment review and is now shipping to the University of Arizona for integration into the balloon observatory. SRON together with TU Delft develops GUSTO's three 8-pixel-arrays, for the frequencies 4.7, 1.9 and 1.4 terahertz. They have now finished the array for the 4.7 terahertz channel—the most challenging part. GUSTO is a balloon mission that will measure emissions from cosmic material between stars.


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