425 resultaten

05 maart 2021

Quenteijn van Cooten joined ImPhys as a MSc student

Quenteijn van Cooten joined ImPhys as a MSc student

Quenteijn's master project is a collaboration of the Reactor Institute Delft (RID) and Imaging Physics (ImPhys). The research will be conducted in Elizabeth Carroll's lab and it will involve the irradiation of spheroids, staining them of damage and imaging the damage using light-sheet microscopy.

16 februari 2021

Baptiste Heiles has received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship to develop multi-messenger ultrasound imaging of cancer

Baptiste Heiles has received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship to develop multi-messenger ultrasound imaging of cancer

Baptiste Heiles, a postdoctoral researcher at the Maresca Lab (ImPhys), has received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship from the European Union. Each fellow receives two years of stipend and a mobility allowance giving them the opportunity to boost their career abroad. His project, entitled Multi-messenger Imaging of Cancer aims to leverage early metabolic and vascular detection of cancer using ultrasound. His project was ranked in the top 0.3% of the Physics panel.

15 februari 2021

Hugo Nusselder, Max Suurland, Hilke Schenkel and Florine Buijtenhuis have started their BEPs in the lab of Daan Brinks

Hugo Nusselder, Max Suurland, Hilke Schenkel and Florine Buijtenhuis have started their BEPs in the lab of Daan Brinks

Hugo, Max and Hilke are working on computational projects where they model electrical dynamics in networks of excitable cells in different ways. Florine is helping us set up and optimize a microscope and imaging protocol for simplified in vivo voltage imaging in collaboration with the lab of Zhenyu Gao at Erasmus MC.

15 februari 2021

Thijs van der Burgt joined ImPhys as a MSc student

Thijs van der Burgt joined ImPhys as a MSc student

Thijs van der Burgt will be doing his master-end-project as part of the Nanobiology master programme. He will work under supervision of Daan Brinks and will create a robotic patchclamp setup for us to perform automated electrophysiological experiments.

11 februari 2021

Rick Waasdorp has been awarded a ZonMw IMDI Talentprijs for his MSc thesis work on ultrasound imaging of muscle contraction

Rick Waasdorp has been awarded a ZonMw IMDI Talentprijs for his MSc thesis work on ultrasound imaging of muscle contraction

The IMDI ​​Talent Prize is an annual prize to be awarded for the best graduation research on a new medical device and / or an associated e-health application. The IMDI ​​Talent Fund awards a prize of € 1500 for this.

02 februari 2021

Awoke Negash joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Awoke Negash joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Awoke Negash joined ImPhys per February 1st as post-doc. He will work on the Bio-Imaging Advanced Microscopy project under supervision of Bernd Rieger.

01 februari 2021

Célina Reuvers joined ImPhys as MSc student

Célina Reuvers joined ImPhys as MSc student

Célina is a Nanobiology MSc student who will work on her final project under supervision of Jacob Hoogenboom. The goal of her project is to create high-resolution three-dimensional visualizations of the four stages of cell division using the new 64-beam FAST-EM.

13 januari 2021

Ron Haaksman wint J.B. Westerdijkprijs

Ron Haaksman wint J.B. Westerdijkprijs

Ron Haaksman, geliefd docent natuurkunde-experimenten bij TNW, heeft dit jaar de J.B. Westerdijkprijs gekregen. Ron werd voorgedragen door de Vereniging voor Technische Physica (VvTP), de studievereniging van Technische Natuurkunde, en kreeg de prijs tijdens het Nieuwsjaarsontbijt van de faculteit op maandag 11 januari 2021.

11 januari 2021

Bram Simons joined ImPhys as MSc student

Bram Simons joined ImPhys as MSc student

Bram Simons joined ImPhys as MSc student. He will be developing a spike sorting technique, a spike is a potential given by neurons in the brain, which combines the CoSaMP algorithm from compressed sensing with template matching to create an online/real-time spike sorting program which can make the work of neuroscientists a lot easier. His supervisor is Sebastian Weingärtner.

08 januari 2021

"What do they know? Investigating students’ ability to analyse experimental data in secondary physics education"

"What do they know? Investigating students’ ability to analyse experimental data in secondary physics education"

Freek Pols, Peter Dekkers and Marc de Vries published an article in International Journal of Science Education: "What do they know? Investigating students’ ability to analyse experimental data in secondary physics education".


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