425 resultaten

28 april 2021

Myrthe Wiersma joined ImPhys as MSc student

Myrthe Wiersma joined ImPhys as MSc student

Myrthe will be working on Ultrasound Localization Microscopy (ULM), supervised by David Maresca and Baptiste Heiles. As a Systems & Control student, she hopes to apply her knowledge on estimation, filtering and optimization to improve the tracking of microbubbles in ULM.

28 april 2021

Delmic: a modern continuation of Delft microscopy heritage

Delmic: a modern continuation of Delft microscopy heritage

Microscopy is inextricably linked to Delft thanks to Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, who was the first to discover cells and microbiological structures with his self-built microscopes in the 17th century. A tradition microscope builder Delmic has been continuing since 2010 with innovative microscope technology. TU Delft Campus interviewed Jacob Hoogenboom of TU Delft who was involved in this innovative company early on and still works closely together with the company.

20 april 2021

Nanda Bloom joined ImPhys as MSc student

Nanda Bloom joined ImPhys as MSc student

Nanda Bloom has just started her Master End Project within the Jena-TUD graduate school. The project is aimed at investigating the applicability of stochastic resonators for micro-optical spectrometer arrays.

12 april 2021

Amber Heijdra joined ImPhys as MSc student

Amber Heijdra joined ImPhys as MSc student

Amber Heijdra is currently doing the master Biomedical Engineering at TU Delft. For her master thesis she will focus on predicting sarcomere mutations using radiomics at the Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam.

06 april 2021

Freek Pols published a paper for physics lab teachers

Freek Pols published a paper for physics lab teachers

Freek Pols published an article: The sound of music: determining Young's modulus using a guitar string in the journal Physics Education, a journal meant for physics teachers at various educational levels.

31 maart 2021

Pre-University students engage in inquiry

Pre-University students engage in inquiry

On Friday 26th of March, 14 pre-University students finished the pre-University on Campus Track. Freek Pols designed and taught one of the tracks. The students learned about data-analysis and error propagation, devised and conducted an experiment. They concluded the track with a presentation on their results.

29 maart 2021

Slimme Delftse truc maakt 20 keer snellere beeldvorming met elektronenmicroscopie mogelijk

Slimme Delftse truc maakt 20 keer snellere beeldvorming met elektronenmicroscopie mogelijk

Onderzoekers van de TU Delft hebben een slimme truc bedacht om het maken van afbeeldingen met een elektronenmicroscoop tot een factor twintig te versnellen. Het gaat om een simpele aanpassing: het aanbrengen van een voltage op de houder van het preparaat. Deze eenvoudige ingreep zorgt ervoor dat een preparaat waar de elektronenmicroscoop normaal gesproken een week voor nodig heeft om geheel af te beelden, nu in een nacht of een werkdag kan worden opgenomen.

29 maart 2021

New EMPIR project funded

New EMPIR project funded

The project proposal POLight (Pushing bOundaries of nanometrology by Light) coordinated by Omar El Gawhary has been selected for funding. The project, a collaboration among 15 partners in Europe, is expected to start in June 2021 and will receive 1.8M€ direct funding from the EU and around 1M€ of national funding from the different participating countries.

22 maart 2021

Bewegingsintenties in de hersenen decoderen met echografie

Bewegingsintenties in de hersenen decoderen met echografie

Een internationaal team wetenschappers, waaronder ImPhys-onderzoeker David Maresca, heeft vandaag een artikel gepubliceerd in Neuron waarin ze de decodering van bewegingsintenties in de hersenen met ultrasone golven aantonen. De resultaten zijn veelbelovend voor de ontwikkeling van minder invasieve brein-machine interfaces.

22 maart 2021

Former ImPhys BEP student Dino Mocking receives DIA stipend

Former ImPhys BEP student Dino Mocking receives DIA stipend

Former ImPhys BEP student Dino Mocking has received a DIA stipend from the Germany Institute at the University of Amsterdam. With the stipend, Dino will continue his studies at the Technical University in Munich, Germany where he will follow the MSc Applied and Engineering Physics.


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