422 results

15 February 2021

Thijs van der Burgt joined ImPhys as a MSc student

Thijs van der Burgt joined ImPhys as a MSc student

Thijs van der Burgt will be doing his master-end-project as part of the Nanobiology master programme. He will work under supervision of Daan Brinks and will create a robotic patchclamp setup for us to perform automated electrophysiological experiments.

11 February 2021

Rick Waasdorp has been awarded a ZonMw IMDI Talentprijs for his MSc thesis work on ultrasound imaging of muscle contraction

Rick Waasdorp has been awarded a ZonMw IMDI Talentprijs for his MSc thesis work on ultrasound imaging of muscle contraction

The IMDI ​​Talent Prize is an annual prize to be awarded for the best graduation research on a new medical device and / or an associated e-health application. The IMDI ​​Talent Fund awards a prize of € 1500 for this.

02 February 2021

Awoke Negash joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Awoke Negash joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Awoke Negash joined ImPhys per February 1st as post-doc. He will work on the Bio-Imaging Advanced Microscopy project under supervision of Bernd Rieger.

01 February 2021

Célina Reuvers joined ImPhys as MSc student

Célina Reuvers joined ImPhys as MSc student

Célina is a Nanobiology MSc student who will work on her final project under supervision of Jacob Hoogenboom. The goal of her project is to create high-resolution three-dimensional visualizations of the four stages of cell division using the new 64-beam FAST-EM.

13 January 2021

Ron Haaksman Wins J.B. Westerdijk Prize

Ron Haaksman Wins J.B. Westerdijk Prize

Ron Haaksman, beloved teacher of physics experiments at Applied Sciences, has been awarded this year's J.B. Westerdijk Prize. Ron was nominated by the Vereniging voor Technische Physica (VvTP), the study association of Applied Physics, and received the prize during the Faculty's New Year's Breakfast on Monday, January 11, 2021.

11 January 2021

Bram Simons joined ImPhys as MSc student

Bram Simons joined ImPhys as MSc student

Bram Simons joined ImPhys as MSc student. He will be developing a spike sorting technique, a spike is a potential given by neurons in the brain, which combines the CoSaMP algorithm from compressed sensing with template matching to create an online/real-time spike sorting program which can make the work of neuroscientists a lot easier. His supervisor is Sebastian Weingärtner.

08 January 2021

"What do they know? Investigating students’ ability to analyse experimental data in secondary physics education"

"What do they know? Investigating students’ ability to analyse experimental data in secondary physics education"

Freek Pols, Peter Dekkers and Marc de Vries published an article in International Journal of Science Education: "What do they know? Investigating students’ ability to analyse experimental data in secondary physics education".

10 December 2020

New publication in ACS Nano: "Versatile Multilayer Metamaterial Nanoparticles with Tailored Optical Constants for Force and Torque Transduction"

New publication in ACS Nano: "Versatile Multilayer Metamaterial Nanoparticles with Tailored Optical Constants for Force and Torque Transduction"

Researchers from the ImPhys Optics group have a new publication in ACS Nano for their collaborative work with the team of Nynke Dekker on: "Versatile Multilayer Metamaterial Nanoparticles with Tailored Optical Constants for Force and Torque Transduction".

09 December 2020

NWO XS grant for Elizabeth Carroll

NWO XS grant for Elizabeth Carroll

The Board of NWO Domain Science has awarded sixteen applications in the NWO Open Competition Domain Science - XS. Elizabeth Carroll received the grant for her project: "Mechanism of tissue damage in FLASH radiotherapy".

01 December 2020

Adib Ridwan joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Adib Ridwan joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Ridwan will work on the Ultrasonic Sensor system development for cancer cell detection. His supervisors are Martin Verweij, Nico de Jong and Paul van Neer.


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