425 resultaten

18 maart 2021

Vier nieuwe Marie Curie Fellows voor TNW

De faculteit Technische Natuurwetenschappen heeft vier getalenteerde internationale onderzoekers aangetrokken via het Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships-programma van de Europese Unie. De nieuwe Fellows zijn: Anders Barth (Bionanoscience), Baptiste Heiles (Imaging Physics), Josep Ingla-Aynés (Quantum Nanoscience) en José Palomo Jiménez (Chemical Engineering).

18 maart 2021

Fatemeh Ebadi joined ImPhys as PhD student

Fatemeh Ebadi joined ImPhys as PhD student

Fatemeh Ebadi joined us a PhD student. She will work on automatic camera adjustments for live television under supervision of Bernd Rieger.

15 maart 2021

Online format of Charged particle optics course (AP3401) quadruples participants number

Online format of Charged particle optics course (AP3401) quadruples participants number

The Introduction to Charged Particle Optics course teaches students the basic principles and design considerations of electron and ion beam machines, such as microscopes and lithography machines. The elective course is already for a long time part of the TUD MSc program. Taking the opportunity of an online course, main instructor Ali Mohammadi Gheidari now decided to advertise the course also outside TU Delft, with great success. Interest in the course increased fourfold.

15 maart 2021

Delphi Consortium receives co-funding for 2 PhD students from EU

Delphi Consortium receives co-funding for 2 PhD students from EU

The project of Delphi Consortium, Cyprus Institute (CI) and eight European partners has been granted. They will receive funding for two PhD students for their project: “Enabling the next generation of computational physicists and engineers (ENGAGE)”.

15 maart 2021

The advent of biomolecular ultrasound imaging

The advent of biomolecular ultrasound imaging

The Maresca Lab introduces the nascent field of biomolecular ultrasound imaging, a molecular imaging approach that relies on genetically encoded acoustic biomolecules to interface ultrasound waves with cellular processes. They review ultrasound imaging applications bridging wave physics and chemical engineering with potential for deep brain imaging.

15 maart 2021

Delphi Consortium welcomes new sponsor in field of energy transition

Delphi Consortium welcomes new sponsor in field of energy transition

The Delphi Consortium is a collaboration between Applied Sciences and Civil Engineering & Geosciences and is sponsored by ~25 companies, traditionally from the oil & gas industry. Because of the increasing awareness of the negative impact of fossil fuels on the environment, it was decided to shift the focus to applications in the sustainable geo-energy sector. In January Delphi welcomed Fugro as a new sponsor. Fugro's interest is in near-surface characterization for constructions (offshore wind turbines).

11 maart 2021

Hylkje Geertsema joined ImPhys as tenure track Assistant Professor

Hylkje Geertsema joined ImPhys as tenure track Assistant Professor

From the 1st of March, Hylkje Geertsema started her tenure-track position within Imphys. Her position has a large focus on education and educational innovation in applied physics and nanobiology. At the same time, she will direct a small research group pursuing quantitative super-resolution microscopy on DNA replication proteins in human cells.

09 maart 2021

Education platform launched for professionals in optics and photonics

Education platform launched for professionals in optics and photonics

The Lifelong Optics Learning training platform has been set up for professionals in optics and photonics and offers practical, testable and modular education at MBO, HBO and Academic level. The platform is a collaboration between TU Delft, the Leidse Instrumentmakers School (LiS) and The Hague University of Applied Sciences (HHS). The project has been subsidized by the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs.

08 maart 2021

Qian Tao joined ImPhys as tenure track Assistant Professor

Qian Tao joined ImPhys as tenure track Assistant Professor

Qian Tao joined the Medical Imaging group of ImPhys per March 1st 2021. She will direct the Knowledge-Driven AI lab (KDAI Lab). Her research interest includes medical image analysis, machine learning, and their state-of-the-art combination in theory and in practice.

05 maart 2021

Single-photon detection efficiency record broken

Single-photon detection efficiency record broken

By using a novel membrane-based optical cavity and a gold reflector, researchers from the Optics Research Group (ImPhys), together with collaborators from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Sweden) and Single Quantum B.V. (Delft) have achieved a detection efficiency of 99.5%, with a time resolution of sub-20 picoseconds.


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