425 resultaten

02 september 2021

Eva Scherders joined ImPhys as MSc student

Eva Scherders joined ImPhys as MSc student

Eva Scherders will work on the joint inversion of acoustic and electromagnetic wavefields for subsurface imaging. The goal is to create an adequate image processing algorithm that benefits from using the two types of wavefields. Her supervisor is Koen van Dongen.

01 september 2021

Tan Xin joined ImPhys as MSc student

Tan Xin joined ImPhys as MSc student

Tan's project is about how ultrasound works in detecting brain activity. The project explores transcranial functional shear wave elastography which images neuromechanical coupling effects by shear waves. His supervisor is David Maresca.

30 augustus 2021

Enya Berrevoets joined ImPhys as MSc student

Enya Berrevoets joined ImPhys as MSc student

Enya Berrevoets will work on the project: ‘Localisation microscopy in a Rescan setup”. Bernd Rieger will be her supervisor.

26 augustus 2021

Ramón Parchen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Ramón Parchen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Ramón Parchen will work on the project: ‘Image Analysis to characterize structure for “genome in a box”. His supervisor is Bernd Rieger.

24 augustus 2021

Research Freek Pols in Dutch Magazine for Physics (NTvN)

Research Freek Pols in Dutch Magazine for Physics (NTvN)

The Dutch Magazine for Physics (NTvN) published an article about the research of Freek Pols. He is developing and testing a learning track in order to increase the limited learning yield of practicals.

20 augustus 2021

Yabin Wang joined ImPhys as a MS student

Yabin Wang joined ImPhys as a MS student

Yabin Wang is a master student from 3me faculty. He will join the LINX project in the coming academic year for his master thesis project. His topic will be studying the influence of the partial coherence effects on ptychography reconstruction. These effects involve source extension, mechanical instability, and the presence of multiple harmonics (wavelengths).

20 augustus 2021

Jialing Zou joined ImPhys as a MSc student

Jialing Zou joined ImPhys as a MSc student

Jialing Zou is a master student from 3me faculty. She will join the LINX project in the coming academic year for her master thesis project. Her topic will be extending the ptychography in reflection geometry from 2D to 3D using multi-slice approach and RCWA method

29 juni 2021

Iman Esmaeil Zadeh joined ImPhys as Assistant Professor

Iman Esmaeil Zadeh joined ImPhys as Assistant Professor

As of May 2021, Iman Esmaeil Zadeh has been appointed as assistant professor in Optics research group. Dr. Esmaeil Zadeh has authored more than 25 peer-reviewed journal papers and has more than ten years of experience on the design, nano-fabrication, and characterization of photonic devices, superconducting detectors and the integration of semiconducting devices in photonic structures.

28 juni 2021

Boosting Dutch industry in the field of optics and optomechatronics

Boosting Dutch industry in the field of optics and optomechatronics

Last week Paul Urbach participated in the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce (DNHK) meeting with the Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima. They spoke to 18 German and Dutch companies, knowledge institutions and umbrella organizations about German-Dutch economic relations.

21 juni 2021

Huangcheng Shangguan joined ImPhys as PhD student

Huangcheng Shangguan joined ImPhys as PhD student

Huangcheng Shangguan came from China and graduated from Shenzhen University with a Master’s degree in 2021, majoring in Optics Engineering. He joined ImPhys to pursue his PhD degree under the supervision of Jeroen Kalkman and Paul Urbach. He will be doing research on 3D and high-speed imaging of Integrated Circuits.


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