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TU Delft Pre-University Team Wins SEFI Francesco Maffioli Award

TU Delft Pre-University Team Wins SEFI Francesco Maffioli Award We are proud to announce that Volkert van Steijn and his diverse team of colleagues have been awarded the Francesco Maffioli Award of Excellence for Developing Learning and Teaching in Engineering Education by the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). This prestigious recognition honours TU Delft’s work on the Pre-University program, designed to ease the transition from secondary school to university-level chemistry. Addressing key challenges for prospective students Modelled after the successful Pre-University Calculus and Pre-University Physics courses, the Chemistry course designed by Volkert and his team, addresses the common challenges faced by students when entering higher education. These challenges include the academic leap from high school to university, misunderstandings about the level of study, and the interconnectedness of the subjects Calculus, Physics and Chemistry, required for a degree in science or engineering. Launched by the Faculty of Applied Sciences in 2022 in collaboration with the Extension School for Continuing Education and edX, the course helps prospective students navigate university-level chemistry and make better-informed decisions about their study choices. Bridging the gap The full Pre-University program builds on the core scientific and mathematical subjects taught at the secondary school level, integrating them in ways that reflect the more formal and intertwined approach of engineering education at a technical university. To ensure accessibility, the courses are available online year-round and divided into flexible modules, enabling students to focus on specific areas based on their preparation needs and degree choices. Personalised learning By offering interactive elements and an easy-to-navigate structure, the Pre-University program engages learners from all over the world helping students transition smoothly into university education. The ongoing success of these MOOCs has the potential to shape more differentiated and personalised learning experiences in the future. In combination with the matching of our study programs, prospective students may receive personal advice on how to use the Pre-University program for a confident study start. Volkert Steijn, the lead of the project team for the Pre-University Chemistry course, expressed his pride in receiving the award: I am incredibly proud to accept this award on behalf of our entire Pre-University team. It is a wonderful recognition of the hard work and dedication we put into this program, and we hope it will continue to benefit students for years to come. ― Volkert van Steijn - Associate Professor Commitment to supporting future engineers and scientists This recognition highlights TU Delft’s commitment to curriculum development, innovative teaching methods, and support for future engineers and scientists. By providing students with the tools and knowledge to begin their academic journey with confidence, the Pre-University program is a valuable resource for learners worldwide. The Extension School offers these courses as part of their commitment to improving TU Delft’s education and have better prepared students to start their Bachelor programs. For more information on the Pre-University program, visit the website of the extension school: Pre-University Courses Heartfelt congratulations to everyone in the team! Dr. Volkert van Steijn, Dr. Cristiano Glessi, Dr. Robin de Kruijff, Dr. Rienk Eelkema, Drs. Laura Janssen, Dr. Wilma Elston, Drs. Carola van Muren, Dr. Bijoy Bera, Yash Divekar, Cees Breevaart, Stefan van der Griend, Bonny Klop, Jisca Barbian and of course all the colleagues & students involved in the Pre-University Calculus and Physics courses. Additional Highlights from the SEFI Annual Conference: TU Delft Representation During the SEFI Annual Conference, the board announced that Annoesjka Cabo had been elected to join the SEFI Board of Directors. Annoesjka Cabo, Director of Education at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Academic Director of the Teaching Academy, and Full Professor of Statistics for Innovation in Education, will represent TU Delft in this distinguished role. SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education), established in 1973, is one of the largest organisations in Europe dedicated to advancing engineering education. It promotes collaboration between higher education institutions, educators, and students, enhancing the quality of engineering education through innovation in teaching, research, and policy development. In addition to the board announcement, the SEFI Francesco Maffioli Award of Excellence was presented at the same event. The award, named after former SEFI president Francesco Maffioli, honours individuals or teams who contribute to advancing engineering education. It recognises excellence in curriculum design, learning environments, and teaching tools that engage students and improve educational outcomes. Know one of the people involved? Congratulate them on LinkedIn Know one of the people involved? Congratulate them on LinkedIn linkedin

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and the Delft University of Technology collaborate to advance sustainable fuel technologies

Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) and the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) have collaborated to advance sustainable fuel technologies through a joint project focused on bio-oil upgradation. The project, titled Bio-oil Upgradation to Fuel Range Hydrocarbons via Integrated Hydrodeoxygenation and Aqueous Phase Reforming, is being led by Prof. Sreedevi Upadhyayula from IIT Delhi and Dr. Atul Bansode from TU Delft, with support from both institutions under the MFIRP initiative. The primary objective of this collaboration is to develop a sustainable method to convert lignin-derived bio-oil into valuable fuel-range hydrocarbons using catalytic processes. The work focuses on reducing the need for external hydrogen donors and freshwater by utilizing the bio-oil’s inherent compounds, which contributes to cleaner and more economically viable bio-refineries. A key aspect of the research has been the integration of Aqueous Phase Reforming (APR) with Hydrodeoxygenation (HDO). APR, which converts bio-oil components into hydrogen and hydrocarbons with water as a solvent, is performed at relatively low temperatures and is essential for hydrogen generation. The hydrogen produced in this process can then be used to support HDO, which efficiently removes oxygen from bio-oil to create fuel-range hydrocarbons. The results from APR have been particularly promising. TUD work reported that using platinum-based catalysts, APR successfully achieved up to 60% conversion of maltose, a model compound with 42% hydrogen selectivity (Figure 1). Conversion and selectivity are based on analysis of only gaseous products. Whereas, for HDO reaction, the FESEM analysis, (Figure 2) revealed the enhanced surface morphology and dispersion of active sites in Cu-Re-SiO₂ catalysts after reduction, which significantly improved the catalytic performance and stability in bio-oil conversion processes. The collaboration also involves reciprocal visits between the two institutions to facilitate knowledge sharing and advance experimental setups. Prof. Upadhyayula visited TU Delft, where discussions on the project's future directions were held while Dr. Bansode is set to visit IIT Delhi. The two teams have already begun joint publications, including a book chapter titled “Pyrolysis Bio-oil Upgradation to Fuels”, set to be published in 2024 along with journal articles. The project’s long-term goal is to contribute to the global shift toward sustainable energy by offering alternatives to fossil fuels and reducing environmental impact. The research findings have potential applications in both Europe and India, particularly in lignin-abundant industries such as paper and ethanol production. Figure 1. % Product Selectivity for all four screened catalysts Figure 2. Field emission scanning electron microscopy microstructure image of catalyst after reduction (a) Cu-SiO2 catalyst (b) Cu-Re-SiO2 catalyst

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Students Amos Yusuf, Mick Dam & Bas Brouwer winners of Mekel Prize 2024

Master students Amos Yusuf, from the ME faculty (Mick Dam, from the EEMCS faculty and graduate Bas Brouwer have won the Mekel Prize 2024 for the best extra scientific activity at TU Delft: the development of an initiative that brings master students into the classroom teaching sciences to the younger generations. The prize was ceremonially awarded by prof Tim van den Hagen on 13 November after the Van Hasselt Lecture at the Prinsenhof, Delft. They received a statue of Professor Jan Mekel and 1.500,- to spend on their project. Insights into climate change are being openly doubted. Funding for important educational efforts and research are being withdrawn. Short clips – so called “reels” – on Youtube and TikTok threaten to simplify complex political and social problems. AI fakes befuddle what is true and what is not. The voices of science that contribute to those discussion with modesty, careful argument and scepticism, are drowned in noise. This poses a threat for universities like TU Delft, who strive to increase student numbers, who benefit from diverse student populations and aim to pass on their knowledge and scientific virtues to the next generation. It is, therefore, alarming that student enrolments to Bachelor and Master Programs at TU Delft have declined in the past year. Students in front of the class The project is aimed to make the sciences more appealing to the next generation. They have identified the problem that students tend miss out on the opportunity of entering a higher education trajectory in the Beta sciences – because they have a wrong picture of such education. In their mind, they depict it as boring and dry. In his pilot lecture at the Stanislas VMBO in Delft, Amos Yusuf has successfully challenged this image. He shared his enthusiasm for the field of robotics and presented himself as a positive role model to the pupils. And in return the excitement of the high school students is palpable in the videos and pictures from the day. The spark of science fills their eyes. Bas Brouwer Mick Dam are the founders of NUVO – the platform that facilitates the engagement of Master Students in high school education in Delft Their efforts offer TU Delft Master Students a valuable learning moment: By sharing insights from their fields with pupils at high school in an educational setting, our students can find identify their own misunderstandings of their subject, learn to speak in front of non-scientific audiences and peak into education as a work field they themselves might not have considered. An extraordinary commitment According to the Mekel jury, the project scored well on all the criteria (risk mitigation, inclusiveness, transparency and societal relevance). However, it was the extraordinary commitment of Amos who was fully immersed during his Master Project and the efforts of Brouwer and Dam that brought together teaching and research which is integral to academic culture that made the project stand out. About the Mekel Prize The Mekel Prize will be awarded to the most socially responsible research project or extra-scientific activity (e.g. founding of an NGO or organization, an initiative or realization of an event or other impactful project) by an employee or group of employees of TU Delft – projects that showcase in an outstanding fashion that they have been committed from the beginning to relevant moral and societal values and have been aware of and tried to mitigate as much as possible in innovative ways the risks involved in their research. The award recognizes such efforts and wants to encourage the responsible development of science and technology at TU Delft in the future. For furthermore information About the project: About the Mekel Prize:

Veiligere en efficiëntere bloedvatbehandelingen door innovatieve kathetertechnologie

Wereldwijd worden jaarlijks meer dan 200 miljoen katheters gebruikt voor de behandeling van vaatziekten zoals hartaandoeningen en slagadervernauwing. Hoewel essentieel, brengt het gebruik van katheters risico’s met zich mee: wrijving tussen de katheter en de vaatwand kan complicaties veroorzaken. Een nieuwe technologie, ontwikkeld door Mostafa Atalla en zijn team, biedt een oplossing. Met één druk op de knop kan de wrijving van de katheter worden aangepast, van maximale grip naar volledige gladheid. Deze innovatie belooft niet alleen veiligere, maar ook efficiëntere endovasculaire procedures mogelijk te maken. De resultaten zijn gepubliceerd in het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift IEEE. Slimme katheter met instelbare wrijving Het nieuwe katheterprototype is uitgerust met geavanceerde technologie die de wrijving tussen de katheter en vaatwand nauwkeurig reguleert via ultrasone trillingen. Dit mechanisme zet via ultrasone trillingen de dunne vloeistoflaag onder druk waardoor de wrijving dynamisch kan worden aangepast: lage wrijving voor soepele navigatie door bloedvaten en hogere wrijving voor optimale stabiliteit tijdens een procedure. Tests tonen aan dat deze techniek de wrijving op harde oppervlakken met gemiddeld 60% vermindert en op zachte oppervlakken met 11%. Veelbelovende resultaten Bij experimenten op dierlijk aortaweefsel heeft het prototype zijn potentieel bewezen. Deze innovatie kan niet alleen bij vaatbehandelingen worden ingezet, maar mogelijk ook bij andere medische procedures, zoals interventies in de darmen. De onderzoekers zijn nu bezig de technologie verder te ontwikkelen en te testen op bredere toepassingen. Meer informatie Publicatie DOI: 10.1109/TMRB.2024.3464672 Toward Variable-Friction Catheters Using Ultrasonic Lubrication | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore Mostafa Atalla: Aimee Sakes: Wil je een demonstratie bijwonen of in contact komen met een van de onderzoekers neem contact op met: Fien Bosman, persvoorlichter TU Delft Health: 0624953733

Een flexibele backstop als deel van de oplossing voor netcongestie

Uit naam van het TU Delft PowerWeb Institute overhandigen onderzoekers Kenneth Brunninx en Simon Tindemans op 12 november 2024 een Position Paper aan de Tweede Kamer, met een mogelijke oplossing voor de grote netwerkcapaciteit-problemen die in Nederland steeds vaker opspelen. Waarschijnlijk haalt Nederland de klimaatdoelen 2030 niet, en dat komt onder andere doordat de grote industrie niet snel genoeg kan overstappen op elektriciteit, mede doordat er steeds vaker problemen ontstaan rondom netwerkcapaciteit en netcongestie. Naar alle waarschijnlijk zullen die problemen dit decennium eerst zelfs toenemen, voordat ze kunnen afnemen, stellen de onderzoekers. De oplossing die de onderzoekers van het TU Delft PowerWeb Institute aanbieden, is de ‘flexibele backstop’. Met een flexibele backstop kan de huidige capaciteit van het elektriciteitsnet efficiënter gebruikt worden zonder aan veiligheid of betrouwbaarheid in te boeten. Een flexibele backstop is een veiligheidsmechanisme dat semiautomatisch en op korte termijn de hoeveelheid elektriciteit vermindert die een elektrische verbruiker van het elektriciteitsnet kan onttrekken (een elektrische laadpaal of een warmtepomp) of leveren (een PV-installatie). Het is een klein apparaatje dat is aangesloten of ingebouwd in een elektrische verbruiker, zoals een laadpaal of warmtepomp, en dat ‘communiceert’ met de distributienetwerkbeheerder. In geval van acute congestie op het netwerk geeft de netwerkbeheerder een signaal aan het apparaat om de hoeveelheid stroom te beperken. Duitsland heeft recent een vergelijkbaar systeem ingevoerd voor elektrische laadpalen. De backstop wordt enkel geactiveerd in periodes van acute congestieproblemen, nadat alle andere maatregelen uitgeput zijn. “Het opwaarderen van het elektriciteitsnetwerk blijft essentieel, maar zal in de praktijk nog jaren duren. Er is dus behoefte aan kortetermijnoplossingen die geïntegreerd kunnen worden in de langetermijnplanning. Wij, de leden van het TU Delft PowerWeb Institute, roepen de overheid, netwerkbeheerders en regulator op om de flexibele backstop als extra veiligheidsmaatregel voor het netwerk te onderzoeken”, aldus de onderzoekers. Het gehele paper is hier te lezen. Kenneth Bruninx is universiteit hoofddocent bij de faculteit Techniek, Bestuur en Management, waar hij met kwantitatieve modellen energiebeleid, regulering en marktontwerp evalueert. Simon Tindemans is universitair hoofddocent in de Intelligent Electrical Power Grids groep van faculteit Elektrotechniek, Wiskunde en Informatica. Hij doet onder andere onderzoek naar onzekerheid en risicomanagement voor elektriciteitsnetwerken. Het TU Delft PowerWeb Institute ontwerpt het elektriciteitsnetwerk van de toekomst.