News & In the media

294 results

21 February 2019

Service sector has sizeable impact on urban energy demand

Service sector has sizeable impact on urban energy demand

A better understanding of the energy demands of various users in the city – households and services such as schools, offices and shops – can facilitate urban energy transition. Nina Voulis offers this insight in her dissertation entitled Harnessing Heterogeneity, with which she will be awarded her PhD at TU Delft on 22 February 2019.

18 February 2019

HumTechLab at HNPW 2019!

HumTechLab at HNPW 2019!

From 3-8 February, 2019 a delegation of thirteen TU Delft students from the HumTechLab traveled to Geneva to attended the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) in the humanitarian capital of the world. Experts in crisis preparedness and response from a diversity of organizations and from all over the world came together at this conference to identify solutions to common humanitarian challenges. Throughout the week, TU Delft students took the opportunity to make their voices heard. On Wednesday, several students from the HumTechLab Thesis Circle presented their expertise on a wide range of innovative humanitarian-related topics.

16 January 2019

Rolf van Wegberg and Rhythima Shinde in Portraits of Science

Rolf van Wegberg and Rhythima Shinde in Portraits of Science

Two TPM faces are featured in the 2018 edition of Portraits of Science: PhD candidate Rolf van Wegberg and Rhythima Shinde, EPA graduate and best graduate of TU Delft 2018. Rolf talks about his research into commoditisation of cybercrime. Rhythima speaks about her thesis on electrifying rural India through institutional innovation.

14 January 2019

Hans de Bruijn in Trouw: ‘In onze politieke cultuur ontbreekt het he-le-maal aan onbevangenheid’

Hans de Bruijn in Trouw: ‘In onze politieke cultuur ontbreekt het he-le-maal aan onbevangenheid’

In Trouw is een essay verschenen van Hans de Bruijn. Ja, dat we onze open geest kwijt zijn, dat is erg. Hij zoekt oorzaken. En vindt een ster aan het Kerstfirmament.

14 January 2019

Angelo Vermeulen in diverse media over plantjes op de maan

Angelo Vermeulen in diverse media over plantjes op de maan

Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis groeien er plantjes op de maan. Een Chinese sonde bracht katoenzaadjes naar het hemellichaam, die inmiddels zijn uitgekomen. Ruimtevaartonderzoeker Angelo Vermeulen van de TU Delft is enthousiast over de geslaagde missie. ,,Geweldig! De grote uitdaging was om de zaden onderweg in leven te houden en te zorgen dat alles ter plekke kon ontkiemen.”