425 resultaten

03 februari 2020

Kick-off of CARLA, the hub for careers in photonics

Kick-off of CARLA, the hub for careers in photonics

Coordinated by ICFO, a consortium of 11 partners gathered last week in Barcelona to kick-start this new initiative that aims, in coordination with industry and academia, to encourage young students and professionals to pursue careers in photonics. CARLA aims to boost the numbers of students and young researchers pursuing careers in photonics, to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship and to empower diversity.

30 januari 2020

Martijn Eppenga joined ImPhys as MSc student

Martijn Eppenga joined ImPhys as MSc student

Martijn Eppenga will work, together with Xin Meng on the implementation of machine learning in the analysis pipeline for the evolution project. His supervisor is Daan Brinks.

27 januari 2020

Baptiste Heiles joined ImPhys as PostDoc

Baptiste Heiles joined ImPhys as PostDoc

Baptiste Heiles is a post-doc researcher in the Maresca Lab, and work on fast volumetric imaging of gas vesicles, the first genetically encoded contrast agents for ultrasound imaging.

23 januari 2020

Article in Optics Express by Boling Ouyang

Article in Optics Express by Boling Ouyang

In the article a novel design method for silicon ring resonators is presented that yields a free spectral range robust to fabrication variations. The work provides an important extension of the generic design approach exploiting cancellation effects using two waveguides, which so far was limited to Mach-Zehnder interferometers.

23 januari 2020

Yang Song joined ImPhys as guest researcher

Yang Song joined ImPhys as guest researcher

Dr. Yang Song is an associate professor from the Department of Information Physics & Engineering, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, China.

23 januari 2020

Highlight festival 13-15 feb Delft

Highlight festival 13-15 feb Delft

The three-day festival Highlight Delft will take place halfway through February. The festival takes you along beautiful historical sites in Delft, laboratories on the TU Delft Campus and unique locations, some of which open their doors especially for Highlight Delft.

19 december 2019

Hina Vuijk joined the lab of Daan Brinks as MSc student

Hina Vuijk joined the lab of Daan Brinks for her Applied Physics MEP. She will use imaging spectroscopy to investigate the photophysics of voltage-sensing Archaerhodopsin proteins.

18 december 2019

We almost lost him to history

We almost lost him to history

Take an old webcam, remove the infrared filter, and just like that you have your own ghostbusters- inspired ‘detector’. It sounds easy, but we all know there is science behind this simple night vision trick. Thim Zuidwijk (ImPhys) is bridging the gap between practice and theory in the field of optics.

17 december 2019

NWO HTSM grant for Jeroen Kalkman

NWO HTSM grant for Jeroen Kalkman

In the High Tech Systems and Materials program 2019 the project NanoRheoOCT has been granted to Dr. Jeroen Kalkman. This project is a collaboration between University Utrecht and a commercial partner. The researchers in this proposal develop a novel type of optical sensor based on optical coherence tomography to quantify the motion and flow of very small particles (macromolecules and nanoparticles).

17 december 2019

Anish Mukherjee joined ImPhys as a MSc student

Anish Mukherjee joined ImPhys as a MSc student

We would like to welcome our new MSc student Anish Mukherjee. He will work on the project: ‘Analysing Single-Molecule Emission Patterns using Deep Learning’. Sjoerd Stallinga, Bernd Rieger and Rasmus Thorsen will be his supervisors.


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