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Deel jouw ideeën ter verbetering van de sociale veiligheid bij TU Delft

Wij horen graag wat je denkt! Als TU Delft staan we voor de opgave om de campus sociaal veiliger te maken. Naar aanleiding van het rapport van de Inspectie van het Onderwijs maken we een verbeterplan om iedereen een sociaal veilige werk- en studieomgeving te kunnen bieden, waar we respectvol met elkaar omgaan. Voor het opstellen van dit plan zijn we momenteel op verschillende manieren op zoek naar ideeën. Graag horen we wat jij denkt dat er moet veranderen en hoe dat het beste kan. Daarvoor organiseren we vier bijeenkomsten, die ook al werden aankondig in het CvB-bericht van 20 maart. Iedere medewerker, student en alumnus is van harte welkom bij één of meer van de bijeenkomsten in het Auditorium van de Aula. Data 1. Woensdag 10 april 10.00-12.00 (inloop vanaf 09.45). Deze bijeenkomst is volledig in het Engels. 2. Maandag 15 april 12.30-14.30 (inloop vanaf 12.15). Deze bijeenkomst is volledig in het Nederlands. 3. Maandag 15 april 16.00-18.00 (met RvT; inloop vanaf 15.45). Bij deze bijeenkomst is de Raad van Toezicht aanwezig. Deze bijeenkomst is in het Engels. De plenaire gedeelten worden vertaald naar het Nederlands. De voertaal van de kleinere groepen is afhankelijk van de taal van de groepsdeelnemers. 4. Dinsdag 16 april 12.30 – 14.30 (met CvB; inloop vanaf 12.15). Bij deze bijeenkomst is het College van Bestuur aanwezig. Deze bijeenkomst is in het Nederlands. De plenaire gedeelten worden vertaald naar het Engels. De voertaal van de kleinere groepen is afhankelijk van de taal van de groepsdeelnemers. Het programma is voor iedere bijeenkomst gelijk. Eerst is er een plenaire opening. Vervolgens worden jullie plannen en ideeën opgehaald via het gebruik van Mentimeter. Daarna is er ruimte om in kleinere groepen door te praten over die plannen en ideeën. De bijeenkomst wordt vervolgens plenair afgesloten. Meld je hier aan voor een van de bijeenkomsten. Digitale ideeënbus Ben je niet aanwezig bij een bijeenkomst, maar wil je wel je ideeën delen? Dat kan via de digitale ideeënbus . Alle plannen en ideeën worden meegenomen als input bij het schrijven van het verbeterplan. Nogmaals: jouw mening en jouw stem is onmisbaar in het verbeterproces, dus we horen graag van je.

PhD Position Equity Impacts of Climate Shocks to Infrastructure

Are you passionate about designing climate adaptation strategies for infrastructure systems that focus on climate-vulnerable countries? The Climate Safety and Security Center (CASS) of TU Delft | The Hague is proud to announce its first Ph.D. vacancy, offering a unique opportunity to make a difference in the field of Human Security and Liveable Environment. As a Ph.D. candidate, you will have the privilege to work within the flagship “Human Security and Liveable Environment” led by Professor Tina Comes. In this position, you will also be working directly with Jasper Verschuur from TPM Faculty and be embedded in the new TU Delft Climate Safety & Security Centre (CASS) in The Hague, with Behnam Taebi, Jennifer Kockx and many others. If you're driven by a desire to contribute to a sustainable and resilient future, we invite you to explore this exciting opportunity further. Apply now! Job description The department Engineering Systems and Services (ESS) offers a 4-year PhD position on quantifying the equity impacts of climate shocks to infrastructure and transportation systems in the Global South. It is well documented that poorer households are disproportionately affected by climate-related shocks, either directly via loss of income or indirectly via infrastructure service disruptions, limited access or higher food prices. Climate change can amplify shocks to welfare, especially in climate-vulnerable countries, making it imperative that adaptation efforts are considered pro-poor. Still, there are only few quantitative risk models that capture how climate shocks can cause impacts to household welfare. Existing models often only look at welfare impacts through reductions in income, and are spatially aggregated. Within the context of the Global South, however, welfare impacts to households can also materialise if climate shocks cause disruptions to infrastructure that provide basic human services (e.g., transport/mobility, water, sanitation, energy, education), in particular if disruptions affect the most marginalized. To capture this, a spatially granular model is required that connects households to infrastructure networks and considers the vulnerability and coping capacity of households. Such a new modelling framework will allow designing and prioritizing pro-poor climate adaptation strategies that combine hard (e.g., climate-proofing infrastructure) and soft (e.g., emergency response) interventions. The aim of this PhD is to better quantify equity impacts of climate shocks to infrastructure systems via a spatial modelling framework. The selected candidate will lead the development of new modelling tools that capture how households rely on the provision of essential goods and infrastructure services for human development on a high spatial resolution. You will analyse how various climate shocks can affect the provision of these services, and consequently the households that depend upon them. This socio-technical modelling approach will help bridge the gap between infrastructure systems modelling and insights derived from the social sciences. The outcome of this PhD is an improved understanding how large-scale climate shocks can cause temporary or chronic impacts to households’ welfare via infrastructure service disruptions. This will inform innovative solutions that can help mitigate these impacts. We seek a candidate who is keen to learn and utilise methods, and work with data, from across disciplines, for instance socio-economic data (e.g., household surveys) and models (e.g., microsimulation models), geospatial modelling techniques, infrastructure and transport network models and climate hazard data. This new spatial modelling framework will be developed for one or more case study regions/countries, preferably in the Sahel, Sub-Saharan Africa or Asia (depending on data availability), with a focus on floods and/or droughts. This could be complemented with other types of shocks affecting households, such as pandemics, conflict, or food crisis. Requirements The potential PhD candidate is expected to have: A Master’s degree (or nearly finished) in Engineering, Economics, Statistics/Mathematics, Data Science, International Development, or a related field (essential). Experience working with large datasets, models and (geospatial) programming skills (e.g. preferably Python or R) (essential). Excellent study results and excellent command of English (essential). Strong motivation to do scientific research into equity aspects of climate change (essential). A willingness to work in a multidisciplinary research environment, and interest to communicate results to policymakers (essential). A demonstratable interest in, or knowledge of, integrating economic concepts within quantitative (spatial) modelling frameworks (desirable). Work experience in the Global South context (desirable). Doing a PhD at TU Delft requires English proficiency at a certain level to ensure that the candidate is able to communicate and interact well, participate in English-taught Doctoral Education courses, and write scientific articles and a final thesis. For more details please check the Graduate Schools Admission Requirements . Conditions of employment Doctoral candidates will be offered a 4-year period of employment in principle, but in the form of 2 employment contracts. An initial 1,5 year contract with an official go/no go progress assessment within 15 months. Followed by an additional contract for the remaining 2,5 years assuming everything goes well and performance requirements are met. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2770 per month in the first year to € 3539 in the fourth year. As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. The TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment with an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and a mentor. The Doctoral Education Programme is aimed at developing your transferable, discipline-related and research skills. The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, discounts on health insurance, and a monthly work costs contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. For international applicants, TU Delft has the Coming to Delft Service . This service provides information for new international employees to help you prepare the relocation and to settle in the Netherlands. The Coming to Delft Service offers a Dual Career Programme for partners and they organise events to expand your (social) network. TU Delft (Delft University of Technology) Delft University of Technology is built on strong foundations. As creators of the world-famous Dutch waterworks and pioneers in biotech, TU Delft is a top international university combining science, engineering and design. It delivers world class results in education, research and innovation to address challenges in the areas of energy, climate, mobility, health and digital society. For generations, our engineers have proven to be entrepreneurial problem-solvers, both in business and in a social context. At TU Delft we embrace diversity as one of our core values and we actively engage to be a university where you feel at home and can flourish. We value different perspectives and qualities. We believe this makes our work more innovative, the TU Delft community more vibrant and the world more just. Together, we imagine, invent and create solutions using technology to have a positive impact on a global scale. That is why we invite you to apply. Your application will receive fair consideration. Challenge. Change. Impact! Faculty Technology, Policy and Management The Faculty of TPM provides an important contribution to solving complex technical-social issues, such as energy transition, mobility, digitalisation, water management and (cyber) security. TPM does this with its excellent education and research at the intersection of technology, society and policy. We combine insights from both engineering and social sciences as well as the humanities. TPM develops robust models and designs, is internationally oriented and has an extensive network of knowledge institutions, companies, social organisations and governments. Click here to go to the website of the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. Additional information For more information about this vacancy, please contact Prof. Tina Comes ( and dr. Jasper Verschuur ( For more information about the procedure, please contact the HR advisor, Olivie Beek. Application procedure Are you interested in this vacancy? Please apply before 26 April 2024 via the application button and upload the following information: Curriculum Vitae (CV); Two-page motivation letter indicating your research interests and experience; 1-2 page(s) proposal with a rough description how you will approach the presented problem; Diplomas/degrees including a grade transcript of previous education at Bachelor and Master level (or preliminary grade transcript if still finishing up your MSc). Apply now!

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TU Delft jointly wins XPRIZE Rainforest drone competition in Brazil

TU Delft wint gezamenlijk XPRIZE Rainforest competitie in de Amazone, Brazilië Stel je zich voor: snelle en autonome robottechnologie gebruiken voor onderzoek naar de groene en vochtige longen van onze planeet; onze wereldwijde regenwouden. Drones die autonoom eDNA samplers en netten voor in boomtoppen inzetten, brengen de rijke biodiversiteit van deze complexe ecosystemen aan het licht en onthullen de effecten van menselijke activiteiten op de natuur en klimaatverandering. Op 15 november 2024, na vijf jaar intensief onderzoek en competitie, bereikte het ETHBiodivX-team, waarvan ook Luchtvaart- en Ruimtevaartonderzoekers van de TU Delft, Salua Hamaza en Georg Strunck, deel uitmaakten, een opmerkelijke mijlpaal: het winnen van de XPRIZE Rainforest Bonus Prize voor uitmuntende inspanningen bij het gezamenlijk ontwikkelen van inclusieve technologie voor natuurbehoud. Het doel: geautomatiseerde technologie en methoden ontwikkelen om bijna realtime inzichten te krijgen in biodiversiteit - het leveren van noodzakelijke gegevens die kunnen bijdragen aan behoud en beleid, duurzame bio-economieën kunnen ondersteunen en inheemse volkeren en lokale gemeenschappen, die de belangrijkste beschermers en kennishouders zijn van de tropische regenwoudens op aarde, meer macht kunnen geven. Het ETHBiodivX team, bestaande uit experts in Robotica, eDNA en Data Insights, ging de enorme uitdaging aan om de manier waarop we ecosystemen monitoren te automatiseren en te stroomlijnen. Aan het hoofd van de robotica-afdeling, een samenwerking tussen Universitair Hoofddocent Salua Hamaza van de TU Delft, prof. Stefano Mintchev van de ETH Zürich en prof. Claus Melvad en Toke Thomas Høye, ontwikkelt baanbrekende robotoplossingen om autonoom ecologische en biologische gegevens te verzamelen. “We stonden voor de immense uitdaging om robots in het wild in te zetten - en niet zomaar in een buitenomgeving, maar in een van de meest veeleisende en onbekende: de natte regenwouden. Dit vereiste buitengewone inspanningen om robuustheid en betrouwbaarheid te garanderen, waarbij we de grenzen verlegden van wat de hardware kon bereiken voor autonome gegevensverzameling van beelden, geluiden en eDNA in het Amazonegebied”, zegt universitair hoofddocent Hamaza. “Uiteindelijk zal deze technologie beschikbaar zijn voor inheemse gemeenschappen als hulpmiddel om de voortdurende veranderingen in de biodiversiteit van het bos beter te begrijpen, die de lokale bevolking voorziet van essentiële hulpbronnen zoals voedsel en onderdak.” . . . .

Students Amos Yusuf, Mick Dam & Bas Brouwer winners of Mekel Prize 2024

Master students Amos Yusuf, from the ME faculty (Mick Dam, from the EEMCS faculty and graduate Bas Brouwer have won the Mekel Prize 2024 for the best extra scientific activity at TU Delft: the development of an initiative that brings master students into the classroom teaching sciences to the younger generations. The prize was ceremonially awarded by prof Tim van den Hagen on 13 November after the Van Hasselt Lecture at the Prinsenhof, Delft. They received a statue of Professor Jan Mekel and 1.500,- to spend on their project. Insights into climate change are being openly doubted. Funding for important educational efforts and research are being withdrawn. Short clips – so called “reels” – on Youtube and TikTok threaten to simplify complex political and social problems. AI fakes befuddle what is true and what is not. The voices of science that contribute to those discussion with modesty, careful argument and scepticism, are drowned in noise. This poses a threat for universities like TU Delft, who strive to increase student numbers, who benefit from diverse student populations and aim to pass on their knowledge and scientific virtues to the next generation. It is, therefore, alarming that student enrolments to Bachelor and Master Programs at TU Delft have declined in the past year. Students in front of the class The project is aimed to make the sciences more appealing to the next generation. They have identified the problem that students tend miss out on the opportunity of entering a higher education trajectory in the Beta sciences – because they have a wrong picture of such education. In their mind, they depict it as boring and dry. In his pilot lecture at the Stanislas VMBO in Delft, Amos Yusuf has successfully challenged this image. He shared his enthusiasm for the field of robotics and presented himself as a positive role model to the pupils. And in return the excitement of the high school students is palpable in the videos and pictures from the day. The spark of science fills their eyes. Bas Brouwer Mick Dam are the founders of NUVO – the platform that facilitates the engagement of Master Students in high school education in Delft Their efforts offer TU Delft Master Students a valuable learning moment: By sharing insights from their fields with pupils at high school in an educational setting, our students can find identify their own misunderstandings of their subject, learn to speak in front of non-scientific audiences and peak into education as a work field they themselves might not have considered. An extraordinary commitment According to the Mekel jury, the project scored well on all the criteria (risk mitigation, inclusiveness, transparency and societal relevance). However, it was the extraordinary commitment of Amos who was fully immersed during his Master Project and the efforts of Brouwer and Dam that brought together teaching and research which is integral to academic culture that made the project stand out. About the Mekel Prize The Mekel Prize will be awarded to the most socially responsible research project or extra-scientific activity (e.g. founding of an NGO or organization, an initiative or realization of an event or other impactful project) by an employee or group of employees of TU Delft – projects that showcase in an outstanding fashion that they have been committed from the beginning to relevant moral and societal values and have been aware of and tried to mitigate as much as possible in innovative ways the risks involved in their research. The award recognizes such efforts and wants to encourage the responsible development of science and technology at TU Delft in the future. For furthermore information About the project: About the Mekel Prize:

Veiligere en efficiëntere bloedvatbehandelingen door innovatieve kathetertechnologie

Wereldwijd worden jaarlijks meer dan 200 miljoen katheters gebruikt voor de behandeling van vaatziekten zoals hartaandoeningen en slagadervernauwing. Hoewel essentieel, brengt het gebruik van katheters risico’s met zich mee: wrijving tussen de katheter en de vaatwand kan complicaties veroorzaken. Een nieuwe technologie, ontwikkeld door Mostafa Atalla en zijn team, biedt een oplossing. Met één druk op de knop kan de wrijving van de katheter worden aangepast, van maximale grip naar volledige gladheid. Deze innovatie belooft niet alleen veiligere, maar ook efficiëntere endovasculaire procedures mogelijk te maken. De resultaten zijn gepubliceerd in het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift IEEE. Slimme katheter met instelbare wrijving Het nieuwe katheterprototype is uitgerust met geavanceerde technologie die de wrijving tussen de katheter en vaatwand nauwkeurig reguleert via ultrasone trillingen. Dit mechanisme zet via ultrasone trillingen de dunne vloeistoflaag onder druk waardoor de wrijving dynamisch kan worden aangepast: lage wrijving voor soepele navigatie door bloedvaten en hogere wrijving voor optimale stabiliteit tijdens een procedure. Tests tonen aan dat deze techniek de wrijving op harde oppervlakken met gemiddeld 60% vermindert en op zachte oppervlakken met 11%. Veelbelovende resultaten Bij experimenten op dierlijk aortaweefsel heeft het prototype zijn potentieel bewezen. Deze innovatie kan niet alleen bij vaatbehandelingen worden ingezet, maar mogelijk ook bij andere medische procedures, zoals interventies in de darmen. De onderzoekers zijn nu bezig de technologie verder te ontwikkelen en te testen op bredere toepassingen. Meer informatie Publicatie DOI: 10.1109/TMRB.2024.3464672 Toward Variable-Friction Catheters Using Ultrasonic Lubrication | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore Mostafa Atalla: | Aimee Sakes: | Michael Wiertlewski: Wil je een demonstratie bijwonen of in contact komen met een van de onderzoekers neem contact op met: Fien Bosman, persvoorlichter TU Delft Health: 0624953733