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Final colloquium Dimphy Jansen

Final colloquium Dimphy Jansen 19 november 2024 10:00 t/m 11:00 - Locatie: AS-Classroom 5, 22.A.211 - Door: DCSC | Zet in mijn agenda Data-Driven Control Approaches for Enhancing Through-Partner Social Engagement in IT Channel Marketing Supervisor: Dr. Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani Abstract: The rise of social media has significantly influenced the world of digital marketing, especially within the IT Channel Industry. Channext, as a key player in automating channel marketing, faces the challenge of achieving optimal through-partner social engagement. This includes maximizing shares, impressions, clicks, likes, and comments on social media posts. However, the current approach is hindered by content overload, leading to scheduling conflicts and reduced engagement. To handle this issue, this project introduces an advanced model for the vendor-partner network. This model, driven by carefully selected data and machine learning techniques, aims to enhance the framework for through-partner social engagement. By empowering IT partners to actively participate in vendor-led social media campaigns while avoiding overpublishing, we seek to optimize engagement strategies. Furthermore, the integration a learning system transforms this project into a learning system capable of autonomously adapting to the evolving dynamics of the vendor-partner network. This research will redefine the architecture of through-partner social engagement, pioneering a new standard for intelligent and adaptive strategies in the IT Channel Industry. Moving beyond traditional marketing automation challenges, the project envisions a finely tuned and responsive system, aiming for sustained impact in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

New foundation strengthens Dutch Computational Science

Addressing major societal challenges such as clean energy, sustainable food systems, and improved water management increasingly depends on computational science. To strengthen Dutch expertise and innovation in this field, the Computational Science NL Foundation was established on October 15, 2024. The establishment of the Stichting marks a significant milestone for computational science in the Netherlands. This newly established foundation will drive the activities of the Computational Science NL platform , The aim is to strengthen the Dutch computational science knowledge and innovation ecosystem and drive future strategic investments in research, infrastructure, and human capital. The founding members of the board are Johan Mentink (Radboud University), Bianca Giovanardi (TU Delft) , and Linn Leppert (University of Twente), who will be chairman, secretary, and treasurer of the foundation board of directors, respectively. Together with Alfons Hoekstra (University of Amsterdam), Mark Roest (VORTech), and Wil Schilders (TU Eindhoven) they are also part of the Computational Science NL Strategy Board, established earlier this year. CWI, the NWO institute for research in theoretical computer science and mathematics, will serve as the foundation’s seat. National agenda Computational Science The Computational Science NL platform is built on and implements a roadmap outlined in the National Agenda for Computational Science , created by a coalition of Dutch scientists and industry representatives chaired by Kees Vuik, scientific director of the TU Delft Institute for Computational Science and Engineering . The National Agenda was presented to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZK) in 2022. This agenda highlights the critical role of computational models and simulations in addressing societal challenges and creating a sustainable future. Arriving at the most sustainable solution with computational power "The problems of our time, such as the transition to a sustainable future, are so complex that it is impossible to solve them with only theory or experiments," professor of Numerical Mathematics Kees Vuik explains. "Indeed: to arrive at a solution in this complex matter, you have to work through countless predictions, and that can only be done with (super-)computers. Take the course of our rivers under a changing climate, for example; you can't test or theorize that. You need models and simulations for that. In other words, Computational Science." Supercomputers The connected computing infrastructure for research and education of the Delft High Performance Computing Centre (DHPC) and supercomputer DelftBlue is available to Delft researchers and students. In addition, there’s of course SURF’s ICT infrastructure, which is vital for computational science professionals to conduct cutting-edge work.

MSc Defence of Akshay George

MSc Defence of Akshay George AC-DC Priority Control of an Interlink Converter 28 oktober 2024 14:00 t/m 16:00 - Locatie: Lipkenszaal LB 01.150 - Door: DCE&S | Zet in mijn agenda We kindly invite you to attend the MSc defence of Akshay George ; the graduation is planned in Lipkenszaal LB 01.150, Monday 28th of October from 14.00-16.00hrs. The title of his thesis is “ AC-DC Priority Control of an Interlink Converter ". See abstract below. Abstract “The master’s thesis titled ‘AC-DC Priority Control of an Interlink Converter’ explores the development of an optimal control strategy for interlink converters (ILCs) in hybrid microgrids. The motivation arises from the rowing shift towards DC systems and the necessity to seamlessly integrate them with existing AC infrastructure. This research aims to enhance the intelligence of ILCs to prioritize power transfer between AC and DC subgrids based on priority modes, ensuring stable operation under abnormal conditions, particularly when both AC and DC subgrids are power-deficient simultaneously. The study examines various control techniques, ultimately selecting the droop control method for its responsiveness to changes in both AC and DC subgrids. The newly developed AC-DC priority logic is integrated into the droop control, enabling the ILC to make intelligent decisions regarding power transfer direction without a central controller. The control strategy incorporates AC and DC priority modes, ensuring the stability of the respective subgrid. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm in maintaining grid stability and supporting critical DC loads, such as electric vehicle charging stations and data centres, even under simultaneous verloading conditions. The findings underscore the importance of hybrid microgrids in the transition towards a more sustainable and efficient energy system”. With warm regards, on behalf of Akshay and his supervisor Sebastián Rivera Iunnissi.

Barrières doorbreken voor geothermische energie

Als Europa de doelstellingen op het gebied van duurzame energie wil halen, is het van belang om het gebruik van aardwarmte op te schalen. Het nieuwe EU gefinancierde consortium FindHeat zal onder leiding van Sebastian Geiger van de TU Delft een innovatieve toolkit ontwikkelen om geothermie efficiënter en duurzamer te exploiteren. Deze ontwikkeling beoogt technische en economische risico’s te verminderen en de steun van burgers te vergroten. TBM onderzoekers Gerdien de Vries en Fabiën Dekker brengen hun expertise in op het gebied van de sociale wetenschap. Momenteel houden technische en economische risico’s grote investeringen in geothermie tegen en ondermijnen het vertrouwen van burgers in deze duurzame energiebron. Het FindHeat consortium gaat een flexibele toolkit ontwikkelen om de drempels voor geothermie te verlagen. De focus van de toolkit is een nieuwe workflow voor de exploratie van aardwarmte waarin innovatieve softwareoplossingen, goedkope geofysische en geologische exploratietechnieken, training op maat en publieke betrokkenheid gecombineerd worden. Validatie op acht geothermie-locaties De nieuwe toolkit zal worden gevalideerd op acht verschillende geothermie-locaties die geologisch gezien van elkaar verschillen. Hier wil het consortium de economische en technische voordelen aantonen bij het verkennen en beoordelen van geothermische bronnen. Door eindgebruikers uit de industrie direct te betrekken kunnen zij helpen bij de ontwikkeling van de toolkit en deze tegelijkertijd toepassen in hun dagelijkse werkzaamheden. Dit geeft betere garantie voor de technische en economische haalbaarheid. Vertrouwen FindHeat omvat uitgebreid sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek waarin gezamenlijk gewerkt wordt aan nieuwe communicatiestrategieën die de betrokkenheid van burgers verbeteren en helpen om meer vertrouwen te creëren. De combinatie van maatschappelijke steun en verlaagde technische en economische risico's zal leiden tot een efficiëntere en duurzamere exploitatie van geothermie. Daarmee draagt het bij aan het behalen van de Europese doelen voor duurzame energie uit aardwarmte. Binnen het consortium onderzoekt TBM hoe lokale culturen de percepties van geothermische energie beïnvloeden en hoe deze kennis kan worden gebruikt om de publieke communicatie te verbeteren. Dit onderzoek moet leiden tot een openbaar beschikbare handleiding voor belanghebbenden (zoals energiebedrijven) die in contact staan met lokale gemeenschappen. Psycholoog Gerdien de Vries: "Met dit cross-culturele onderzoek in acht landen willen we de relatie tussen lokaal sentiment en de publieke communicatie over geothermische energie beter begrijpen." Gerdien de Vries FindHeat consortium In het FindHeat-consortium komen expertise en innovatie uit de industrie en de academische wereld samen op het gebied van geologie, geofysica, techniek, sociale wetenschappen, economie, communicatie en technische training. Het consortium bestaat uit de academische partners ETH Zurich, Imperial College London, Charles University Prague, University of Cologne, Czech Geological Survey en TU Delft. Industriële partners zijn Reykjavik Energy (Orkuveitan), Electricite de Strasbourg, Repsol, Delft Inversion, en TRACS International Ltd. FindHeat is grotendeels gesubsidieerd door de Europese Uni een ontvangt ook subsidies van UK Research and Innovation, Swiss National Foundation, en TU Delft Excellence Foundation.

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