183rd Dies Natalis TU Delft
16 januari 2025 15:30 t/m 18:00 - Locatie: Auditorium TU Delft Campus | Zet in mijn agenda
Making sense of mobility is the theme for our 183rd Dies Natalis celebrations. Mobility is a wicked problem: complex and interconnected, affecting climate change, social equity and urban health. We are at a critical juncture, and the future depends on the choices we make today. The way forward isn't straightforward. It is a journey through complex dilemmas and inevitable trade-offs. The challenges we face require new knowledge, bold decisions and adaptive thinking – recognising that every solution has consequences, and every progress comes at a cost.
Yet within these complexities lies an opportunity. By embracing tough choices and working together, we can steer towards a more sustainable, just and resilient future. So join us on Thursday 16 January, and throughout the Mobility Week programme, to shape the future of mobility together.