SclptCycle is a new full-body workout. During this energetic cycling workout, Sclpt® tubes are used to train your core and arm muscles. The 45-minute workout requires the maximum of your endurance, leg muscles and upper body. SclptCycle is also seen as an optimal killer workout to party music.

In this workout, you will improve your cardiovascular endurance and burn fat. In the process, you will strengthen your arms, legs and your abdominal and back muscles. The difference with a regular spinning workout is that the intensity is lower and more attention is paid to your upper body. This ticket hour comes from the same stable as Xcore, but instead of working with one XCO trainer, you use two smaller SclptTubes. There are no complicated steps, so you can empty your mind, have fun and sweat at the same time!

Schedule & Enrolment


Leila Gharavi

Leila has an MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering and is currently a PhD candidate at Delft Center for Systems and Control. She is an experienced teacher, from high school Mathematics and Robotics to Aerobics group classes in Iran. She believes body, mind, and community are interconnected entities of human life, and she aims to reflect that in her classes as well: “let’s have fun by discovering our physical and mental potentials as a group!”.

Shamangi Kooistra

Shamangi started as an fitness instructor in 1996. Three years later she graduated from the Aerobics Fitness Netherlands institute and at the same time she did a course to become Body Power instructor. Between 2004 and 2015 she participated in several instructor courses like Power Yoga, Pilates and Extreme Core Training. Besides she widened her knowledge by experimenting with Tae Bo, Bodyshape, Zumba, Steps, Body Balance and Yoga.

Shamangi Website


You need an X subscription for this ticket hour.

Check the rates

Practical Information

Please bring a towel and water bottle to class. The spinning bikes are suitable for SPD shoes, but you can also wear regular indoor shoes.