X House Rules

What can you expect from X?

  1. Plenty of space to be yourself and to develop your potential.
  2. A welcoming, safe, inclusive environment where respect and trust form the basis for connection and collaboration. It goes without saying that inappropriate conduct and/or undesirable behaviour is not tolerated.
  3. A place where you are welcome during opening hours. We provide clean, safe premises and the required facilities. If there is something missing or not quite right, please report it to the hosts in the entrance hall.
  4. We take your portrait rights into account. Photos and videos may be taken at X for promotional purposes and there is a chance you may be recognisable in these. You have the right to inform us at any time if you have objections to this.
  5. We are always working on updating and improving what is on offer.

What does X expect from you?

  1. You are aware of the general Terms and Conditions to which you agree when using our facilities.
  2. You show respect and consideration for each other. You conduct yourself in accordance with TU Delft’s integrity policy and the corresponding code of conduct.
  3. You treat X’s premises, materials and equipment with due care:
    • Always leave a room/space undamaged, tidy and clean after use. If any damage occurs, please let the hosts know.
    • Properly return borrowed equipment. If it is not returned in a timely manner, a fee may be charged or another measure may be taken.
    • Specific additional regulations apply in various areas, such as the Fitness area, Combat, Dojo, Strength, Contemplation Room and Freetown Kitchen. These are indicated in the room itself and/or can be found on the website.
  4. You do not organise activities within X that compete with activities offered by X. That includes food/catering. It is not permitted to receive take aways from any take away service at X. You are welcome to buy a meal, snack or drink from the cafe instead.
  5. You comply with the general TU Delft house rules applicable on campus, including the TU Delft Regulations for the use of Buildings, Grounds and Facilities for Students and Visitors.
  6. TU Delft is a smoke-free campus, which means that smoking is also not allowed at X.
  7. An alcohol and substances policy applies on campus. At X, this applies as follows:
    • No alcohol can be brought to X for consumption. You are welcome to buy alcohol from the Cafe within the designated hours. This also includes no alcohol deliveries from delivery services.
    • On weekdays, alcohol may be served and consumed after 17:00. This applies to the entire accommodation, so in Cafe X and Freetown, and for drinks gatherings, activities and events.
    • On weekends, alcohol may be served and consumed after 14:00.
    • If alcoholic drinks are served, a maximum alcohol content of 15 per cent applies. Spirits above 15% alcohol are therefore not allowed.
  8. Pets are only welcome in the entrance hall, Cafe X and on X’s outdoor premises. Please ensure that pets are leashed and well-behaved. Dogs are only allowed to run loose on an enclosed sports field, provided that you reserve/book the field in advance using our webshop and treat X’s premises with due care (see point 3).

If you have any ideas, questions or feedback regarding the house rules, please share it with the hosts. You can find the contact details here.