An X subscription gives you access to a large selection of our range of services. You get access to unlimited participation in a variety of over forty group lessons (ticket hours) and you have the opportunity to reserve various indoor and outdoor facilities for your own use. If you want to work out in the fitness (gym), be sure to purchase the fitness supplement in addition to an X subscription.

Buy your X subscription here

It's easy to buy an X subscription via the webshop.

New to X? Then you first need to create an account in our webshop. If you are a student or an employee, your account will be linked to your NetID/Campus Card or student card. If you are not a student or do not (yet) have a NetID/Campus Card, please contact the hosts in the entrance hall. They can create an account for you and you will receive an X-card on which to add your subscription.

Go to the webshop


X also offers more than sixty types of courses. The overview of all courses can be found on the Overview A-Z page, where you can filter by group courses and private courses, among others. Registration for courses is separate from the X subscription. Each course has its own fee, which can be found in our webshop.

Go the Overview A-Z View the yearly overview with course periods


You can purchase an X subscription that last for different periods of time. It is important to know that:

  • The day of purchasing the subscription counts within the duration of your subscription. For instance, if you have purchased a one month subscription on 5 January, it is valid until 4 February. You also have the option to change the start date in the webshop.
  • Subscriptions, regardless of the purchase date, are never valid for longer than August 31 (end of academic year). Example: if you buy a ≤3-month subscription on 5 June, its expiry date is also 31 August. Even though the validity period at that time is not three full months, this type of subscription is still the most cost-effective option at that point.
  • To join a sports or cultural association affiliated to X, you usually need a ≤12-month subscription alongside the association's membership fees, unless the association has agreed otherwise with X.
    • If you are a TU Delft student, the ≤12-month subscription falls under category I in the rates overview. With this subscription, in addition to participating in the association activities, you can also take part in all X activities covered by the X subscription.
    • If you are not a TU Delft student but would like to become a member of an association, you can purchase the ≤12-month subscription under category III in the rates overview. With this subscription form, you can only participate in association activities.

Information on the pricing policy can be found on the page Prices X offer 2024-2025.

Tarifs Overview
All subscriptions are valid until the end of the academic year 2024-2025
Cat. I Students­tariff1 ≤12 ≤6 ≤3 ≤1 1w
X subscription 164 115 74 33 8
Fitness­supplement 164 115 74 33 8
Cat. II Employees­tariff2
X subscription
incl. fitness
626 344 188 125 31
X subscription
excl. fitness
361 199 108 72 18
X subscription
off peak3
253 139 76 51 13
off peak4
191 105 57 38 10
Cat. III Association­-related non- student, non-TU Delft 5
Association­participation 164
  • Let op: All prices above are in Euros (€) and include VAT.
  • 1. The student rates apply to: all WO and HBO students, PhD TU Delft. IHE Delft and registered partners of the aforementioned.
  • 2. The employee rates apply to: employees TU Delft, alumni TU Delft, retired employers TU Delft, affiliated third parties and registered partners of the aforementioned.
  • 3. Off peak: work days from 08:00 until 16:30, in weekends and during the summer periode (July and August).
  • 4. Off peak fitness: during the day 07:00 - 19:30, in weekends and during the summer period (July and August).
  • 5. The association related non-student non-TU Delft tariff only enables access to association activities.

Use of your X subscription

Upon purchasing an X subscription, you automatically agree to the general Terms and Conditions.

Register via webshop
If you have purchased an X subscription, you can go to the webshop to register for ticket hours and reserve time slots for free use of various indoor and outdoor facilities. If you also have a fitness supplement, you are also able to book time slots in the fitness via the webshop. If you want to book several activities, make sure you register for each one separately. (Fitness has a maximum of three time slots per week.) You will automatically receive confirmation of each booking by e-mail and all current bookings can be found in the webshop at My bookings.

Ticket hours
Registration for a ticket hour opens one day before at 13:00. Please note that popular ticket hours fill up quickly. We ask you to register only if you actually intend to join. In addition, it is nice for all participants if everyone is on time, so that there is no disruption once the ticket hour has started. To check your registration and attendance, we work with a list of participants at the start of the activity.

Free use of spaces
The Book a space as X member page lists all indoor and outdoor spaces available for free use. You can reserve a space up to three days in advance. (For Band Studios this is fourteen days in advance). You may use a space with several people at the same time. Only one person is required to reserve the desired time slot but make sure all attendees have a valid X subscription.

Carry your Campus Card/X card with you
Carry your Campus Card/X card with you when participating in an activity that’s part of your X subscription. You are not permitted to use someone else's Campus Card/X card. X staff reserve the right to check whether you have an active X subscription and you as a participant must be able to show your Campus Card/X card.

Timely cancellation
If you have reservation but will not be able to make it on time, you can cancel your booking up to half an hour (30 minutes) before the start. This provides sufficient opportunity for another motivated participant to take your place. The automatic reply email confirming your booking contains a link to the webshop where you can cancel your booking. You can also go to the webshop yourself and cancel the reservation at My bookings

If you do not arrive on time and/or you have not cancelled your booking on time, we will be registered as a no-show in your X account. The general Terms and Conditions detail exactly what this entails.