Master Metropolitan Analysis, Design & Engineering

The master's Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering (MSc MADE) is a master's with a focus on sustainable development. You learn to create innovative solutions for the challenges that metropolitan regions are facing in securing environmental change, urban sustainability and the quality of life in cities.

MSc MADE is an interdisciplinary programme of both Delft University of Technology and Wageningen University & Research. In this master's you tackle particularly complex problems deriving from urbanisation. These issues include mobility and logistics, water and waste management, and energy and food security.

Degree:           Master of Science
Joint degree: Wageningen University & Resarch and Delft University of Technology
Credits:           120 ECTS, 24 months
Location:        AMS Institute, Amsterdam
Start:               September
Language:       English

More information about MSc Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering can be found on the TU Delft website or via Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions.