Boards of Studies

The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment has 2 Boards of Studies:

  • BoS BSc Bouwkunde and MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences
  • BoS MSc Geomatics

What is a Board of Studies?

A Board of Studies (BoS) is an independent board within the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, which advises on the quality of education. The BoS is presented with all proposed decisions on education for advice. The BoS can also give unsolicited advice. Moreover, the board is an employee participation body. This means that with regard to a number of topics, the BoS has the right of consent if changes are proposed.

How a Board of Studies can make a valuable contribution to the quality of education is described in the Guide Boards of Studies TU Delft.

When to contact the Board of Studies?

You can contact the BoS whenever you have input regarding education at our faculty. This can be done by sending an email to one of the Boards of Studies or you can approaching one of the chairs. If necessary, the topic in question can be discussed in an BoS meeting.

Board of Studies BSc Bouwkunde & MSc AUBS

The Board of Studies includes 7 lecturers and 7 student members. There are two chairs: a lecturer-chair and a student-chair. The members are an informal cross-section of the Faculty of Architecture. The BoS meets every two weeks.

  • Peter de Jong, acting Chair
  • Ate Snijder
  • Heidi Sohn
  • Jorge Meija Hernandez
  • Laura Cipriani
  • Luisa Calabrese
  • Olga Ioannou
  • Lizette Wentzel (student-voorzitter)
  • Friso Kaljee (Stylos)
  • Daniel Lux (BT / BOUT)

Characteristics for a university study

The Board of Studies  BSc Bouwkunde & MSc AUBS has defined a number of characteristics for a university study in general and for Architecture in particular. What does this mean? Find out here.



Board of Studies MSc Geomatics

  • Hugo Ledoux (chairperson staff)
  • Martijn Meijers
  • Azarakhsh Rafiee
  • Clara Garcia Sanchez
  • Hyeji Joh (student chairperson)
  • Zhuoyue Wang
  • Yair Roorda
  • Alexandre Bry