Special circumstances

Personal circumstances during your studies?

It’s possible that during your studies personal circumstances might affect your ability to study. Check the instructions below to see what you can do in these situations.

In the event of short-term illness or incidental force majeure situations, such as:

  • Flu, illness of a non-chronic nature
  • Minor accident
  • Funeral
  • Laptop problems

What should you do?

  1. For circumstances such as those mentioned above you can make use of the regular retake/resit opportunities for your specific course. For more information, check the study guide and/or Brightspace. Contact your tutor to inform them about your absence and to agree upon plans to make up for missed work. Discuss with your tutor whether it is still possible to catch up or whether you can make use of an available retake/resit opportunity.
  2. If a resit is not possible or is not passed, you will have to retake the course and your studies will be delayed. Please contact the academic counsellors if you would like guidance with your further study progress.

For complex, serious, long-term or chronic problems, such as:

  • Functional impairment (ADHD, ASD, etc.) and/or visual, auditory and motor impairments
  • Chronic illness and/or serious medical conditions
  • Structural psychological problems
  • Exceptional family circumstances

What should you do?

  1. Please contact the academic counsellors if the circumstances are affecting your studies negatively. The academic counsellors can help to affect tailor-made adjustments to your programme, making use of support facilities provided by the university and by providing guidance and advice aimed at your personal situation. 
  2. Contact the academic counsellors as early as you can! This allows you to retain eligibility for regulations regarding BSA, MoMi and RPF, thus limiting or preventing study delay as much as possible. Additionally, the academic counsellors can help you with formulating an adapted long-term study programme, training/workshops and (academic) coaching.

If you have any questions or are not sure about the nature or severity of your personal circumstances, please contact us via AcademicCounsellors-BK@tudelft.nl