News & Agenda


22 April 2021

Girls’ Day 2021: primary school introduced to BioMechanical Engineering

Girls’ Day 2021: primary school introduced to BioMechanical Engineering

An operating robot inspired by the strength and movements of an animal. And an extremely strong human bone, the largest part of which resembles a sponge. During Girls’ Day 2021, Aimée Sakes and Eline Kolken (assistant professor and PhD student in BioMechanical Engineering) introduced pupils from the ages of 10 to 12 to the world of BioMechanical Engineering.

22 April 2021

Biomechanics researchers ‘appreciated’ for science communication

Biomechanics researchers ‘appreciated’ for science communication

Researchers from the Department of BioMechanical Engineering, have been committed to science communication for years, on their own initiative. That’s why the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) is rewarding these enthusiastic biomechanical engineers with the Pilot Fund Science Communication ‘Appreciated’ of 10.000 euros.

19 April 2021

TU Delft develops ‘stumble tracker’ for trauma surgeon

TU Delft develops ‘stumble tracker’ for trauma surgeon

We’re all familiar with the step tracker these days. Now there’s something new: the stumble tracker. This invention by TU Delft is helping a trauma surgeon at Erasmus MC to measure whether people using a new kind of prosthetic leg stumble less frequently. ‘This partnership has a bright future.’

11 March 2021

Tech for Health: building a unique Erasmus MC lab to combat arthritis

Tech for Health: building a unique Erasmus MC lab to combat arthritis

This month, the University Fund and TU Delft launched a campaign called Tech for Health | Better healthcare thanks to Delft technology. The campaign comprises seven pioneering and illustrative studies, each symbolising the many unique innovations and collaborations taking place at TU Delft and the medical centres.

11 March 2021

Gerjo van Osch receives Suffrage Science Award on International Women’s Day

Gerjo van Osch receives Suffrage Science Award on International Women’s Day

Gerjo van Osch, part-time professor of Integrative Cartilage Regeneration at the Department of BioMechanical Engineering and principal investigator at the Department of Orthopaedics & Otorhinolaryngology at Erasmus MC, received the Engineering and Physical Sciences Suffrage Science award on International Women’s Day.

17 December 2020

Award for paper on world’s first catheter able to make S-shaped curves in all directions

Award for paper on world’s first catheter able to make S-shaped curves in all directions

A team of researchers from the Department of BioMechanical Engineering and the Bio-Inspired Technology Group (BITE) has developed the ‘4 DoF Steerable Sigma Catheter’, the world’s first catheter with a tip able to make S-shaped curves. This catheter is controlled by two joysticks and was developed for complex interventions in the heart.

03 December 2020

Technical Medicine master students tackle COVID-19 cases

Technical Medicine master students tackle COVID-19 cases

During the COVID Case Day, thirty master students from the Technical Medicine programme studied COVID-19-related cases submitted by various hospitals and health-care institutions.

30 November 2020

3mE researchers partner in two NWA-ORC consortia

3mE researchers partner in two NWA-ORC consortia

Researchers from TU Delft will work together in nine consortia with the entire knowledge chain and societal organisations, and conduct interdisciplinary research that will bring scientific and societal breakthroughs within reach. Faculty 3mE takes part in two consortia.

24 September 2020

Ajay Seth receives Chan Zuckerberg grant for Open Source Software

Ajay Seth receives Chan Zuckerberg grant for Open Source Software

Ajay Seth, assistant professor at the Department of BioMechanical Engineering, has received a grant of US$190,000 from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF for his research on the development of Essential Open Source Software for Science. Ajay Seth is receiving the grant specifically for his ‘OpenSIM’ project, an open source biomechanics simulator to study movement to improve the usability, computational performance, maintenance and outreach of the OpenSim open source software and to support the education and training of its users around the world.

29 June 2020

Gerjo van Osch in various media
