News & Agenda


12 September 2024

Inaugural address: Powerful design capabilities crucial for addressing societal challenges

Inaugural address: Powerful design capabilities crucial for addressing societal challenges

On Friday, 13 September, Professor Matthijs Langelaar will deliver his inaugural speech, Computational Design: Shaping the Future. In his address, Langelaar, who researches algorithms for solving mechanical design problems, emphasizes how advanced design capabilities can significantly contribute to addressing societal challenges.

26 August 2024

John van den Dobbelsteen at BNR Nieuwsradio

John van den Dobbelsteen at BNR Nieuwsradio

Can technology reduce stress in the OR?

22 June 2024

Bart van Trigt at Omroep West

Bart van Trigt at Omroep West

Innovations from TU Delft help the Netherlands win gold medals at Olympics

08 May 2024

Why do you start to walk like an elderly person at the age of 25?

Why do you start to walk like an elderly person at the age of 25?

In this video, Eline van der Kruk shows how your body changes throughout the years!

19 March 2024

David Abbink in Nieuwsuur about AI in robots

David Abbink in Nieuwsuur about AI in robots

AI is already oftem used in robotics. Can these robots help with staff shortages?

07 March 2024

Personalized musculoskeletal models that reflect the diversity of body types

Personalized musculoskeletal models that reflect the diversity of body types

Musculoskeletal models in research are now based on the body of an average male. Scientists from TU Delft, Department of Mechanical Engineering, investigate how accurate these models are for a broad population. The one-size-fits-all approach could hinder proper treatment by doctors and physiotherapists. The researchers are therefore working on personalized musculoskeletal models based on a simple 3D scan.

07 March 2024

Eline van der Kruk en Judith Cueto Fernandez about personalized musculoskeletal models in BNN Breaking

Eline van der Kruk en Judith Cueto Fernandez about personalized musculoskeletal models in BNN Breaking

Musculoskeletal models in research are now based on the body of an average male. Scientists from Mechanical Engineering investigate how accurate these models are for a broad population. The one-size-fits-all approach could hinder proper treatment by doctors and physiotherapists.

02 March 2024

Arjo Loeve and Kim Hutchinson at RTL Nieuws about shaken baby experiment

Arjo Loeve and Kim Hutchinson at RTL Nieuws about shaken baby experiment

Shaking a baby violently can cause head and neck injuries, blindness and in some cases even death. Researchers at TU Delft, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, are using a dummy baby and computer models to map the accelerations that act on the head during shaking.

16 February 2024

Tim Horeman in the podcast BNR Wetenschap Vandaag

Tim Horeman in the podcast BNR Wetenschap Vandaag

Tim Horeman talks about the use of sustainable design in healthcare

12 February 2024

Amir Zadpoor and Mohammad Mirzaali about 'metamaterials' in BNN Breaking

Amir Zadpoor and Mohammad Mirzaali about 'metamaterials' in BNN Breaking

A coating that can hide objects in plain sight, or an implant that behaves exactly like bone tissue. These extraordinary objects are already made from ‘metamaterials’. Researchers from TU Delft have now developed an AI tool that not only can discover such extraordinary materials but also makes them fabrication-ready and durable.
