News & Agenda


04 October 2021

John van den Dobbelsteen in various media

14 September 2021

Mathias Peirlinck in various media

10 September 2021

TU Delft, NFI and police develop smart technique for forensic photography

TU Delft, NFI and police develop smart technique for forensic photography

Every trace or other piece of evidence at a crime scene has to be thoroughly examined. Traces that cannot be taken away or stored, such as blood spatters, is visualised with a ruler to indicate its size. TU Delft and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) have developed a new method for the police that will soon make the ruler obsolete and make it easier to measure all kinds of forensic evidence.

05 August 2021

Marco Reijne in various media

02 August 2021

Arend Schwab in various media

15 July 2021

Liselore Tissen in various media

13 July 2021

Clinical Technology students showcase care innovations and complete bachelor’s degree

Clinical Technology students showcase care innovations and complete bachelor’s degree

During the KTO closing symposium, 109 bachelor students presented impressive examples of technological innovations for healthcare that they developed with medical centres. It was a win-win situation: the students completed their bachelor’s degree and the healthcare institutions can further develop and apply these exciting ideas.

05 July 2021

Technology built into baseball jersey prevents injuries

Technology built into baseball jersey prevents injuries

Bart van Trigt, researcher at TU Delft’s Department of BioMechanical Engineering, worked with a team of scientists and scientific entrepreneur Erik van der Graaff to develop an injury model to reduce injuries: Pitch Perfect. Van Trigt received an ‘Implementeren met impact’ grant from ZonMw, which he can now use to test the injury model on Dutch players.

14 June 2021

Maarten van der Elst in various media

Maarten van der Elst, trauma surgeon at Reinier de Graaf and professor of safety at TU Delft, works daily with staplers and points out that research into malfunctioning specimens is difficult.

03 June 2021

Paul Breedveld in various media
