News & Agenda


13 September 2022

Paul Breedveld best lecturer of 2021 - 2022

Paul Breedveld best lecturer of 2021 - 2022

All students at the 3mE faculty were given the opportunity to vote for the best lecturer of 2021-2022. The votes are a token of their appreciation for the unique and creative way in which the lecturers concerned teach. Good lecturers are indispensable for the quality of 3mE’s programmes.

06 September 2022

Did someone fall down the stairs or were they pushed? NFI and TU Delft are working on a model for complex falls

Did someone fall down the stairs or were they pushed? NFI and TU Delft are working on a model for complex falls

Did a person fall or was he or she pushed? Cases where a deceased person lies at the bottom of the stairs are complex. To aid detection, the NFI is working with TU Delft on a computer model that can simulate human falls.

01 September 2022

Alfred Schouten appointed professor of System Identification for Human Motion Control

Alfred Schouten appointed professor of System Identification for Human Motion Control

Alfred Schouten has been appointed professor of System Identification for Human Motion Control in the Department of BioMechanical Engineering. Alfred Schouten’s research focuses on the development of methods and applications for identifying and understanding neuromuscular control. He does this in both healthy people and people with neurological disorders.

25 August 2022

Laurie van de Weerd en Nick van de Berg in various media

16 June 2022

Heike Vallery has been awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Award

Heike Vallery has been awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Award

Heike Vallery, professor Human Motor Augmentation at the department of BioMechanical Engineering, has been awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Award.

23 May 2022

Tim Horeman in various media

12 May 2022

Gravitation funding for research on living cells and brain interactions

Gravitation funding for research on living cells and brain interactions

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science is awarding a 142.7 million euro Gravitation grant to seven top consortia. Faculty 3mE researchers Frans van der Helm and Carlas Smith are co-applicants.

19 April 2022

Arjo Loeve in various media

10 March 2022

Heike Vallery in various media

10 February 2022

Jenny Dankelman in various media
