422 results

24 February 2020

Marco Locarno joined Imphys as a PhD student

Marco Locarno joined Imphys as a PhD student

Marco Locarno joined Imphys as a PhD student in the lab of Daan Brinks. He will work on ultrafast spectroscopy of membrane proteins in their native cellular environments.

14 February 2020

Elementary school pupils meet professors

Elementary school pupils meet professors

TU Delft has reached the age of 178 and celebrates this occasion with Delft primary school pupils. On Wednesday 29 January, 25 TU Delft professors gave a guest lecture to pupils from group 7 and 8 at various primary schools in Delft as part of Meet the Professor, an event organised by the WIJStad programme and the TU Delft 'Wetenschapsknooppunt'. On behalf of ImPhys Bernd Rieger participated.

14 February 2020

Two articles in ultrafast electron microscopy by Lixin Zhang

Two articles in ultrafast electron microscopy by Lixin Zhang

Lixin Zhang, guest student in the groups of Pieter Kruit and Jacob Hoogenboom, has published two papers on pulsed sources for ultrafast electron microscopes (UEMs).

14 February 2020

Natalie Kreuk joined ImPhys as MSc student

Natalie Kreuk joined ImPhys as MSc student

Natalie Kreuk will work on “Inversion of multi-channel acoustic measurements from a complex refractory wall”. Her supervisor is Eric Verschuur.

14 February 2020

Miriam Menzel joined ImPhys as visiting researcher

Miriam Menzel joined ImPhys as visiting researcher

Dr. Miriam Menzel is a post-doctoral researcher in the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1) at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. She is working in the group of Dr. Jeroen Kalkman on optical coherence and optical diffraction tomography measurements of brain tissue.

11 February 2020

Djalma Simoes dos Santos joined ImPhys as PhD student

Djalma Simoes dos Santos joined ImPhys as PhD student

Djalma Simoes dos Santos will work on the ULTRA-X-TREME project (Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging for Extended Diagnosis and Treatment of Vascular Disease). Together with an experienced research group and industrial partners, he will develop a novel matrix transducer (with more than 8000 elements and integrated electronics) for 3D imaging of the carotid and the abdominal aorta with a high frame rate. Djalma will be working under the supervision of Prof.dr.ir. Nico de Jong and dr.ir. Martin Verweij.

04 February 2020

Joao Tourais joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Joao Tourais joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Joao joined the Magnetic Resonance Systems Lab (Mars Lab). He will use basic physical principles to quantify electrical properties of the heart as a biomarker for tissue damage in response to radiation in order to detect subtle tissue damage and ultimately link tissue irradiation to radiotoxicity.

03 February 2020

Kick-off of CARLA, the hub for careers in photonics

Kick-off of CARLA, the hub for careers in photonics

Coordinated by ICFO, a consortium of 11 partners gathered last week in Barcelona to kick-start this new initiative that aims, in coordination with industry and academia, to encourage young students and professionals to pursue careers in photonics. CARLA aims to boost the numbers of students and young researchers pursuing careers in photonics, to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship and to empower diversity.

30 January 2020

Martijn Eppenga joined ImPhys as MSc student

Martijn Eppenga joined ImPhys as MSc student

Martijn Eppenga will work, together with Xin Meng on the implementation of machine learning in the analysis pipeline for the evolution project. His supervisor is Daan Brinks.

27 January 2020

Baptiste Heiles joined ImPhys as PostDoc

Baptiste Heiles joined ImPhys as PostDoc

Baptiste Heiles is a post-doc researcher in the Maresca Lab, and work on fast volumetric imaging of gas vesicles, the first genetically encoded contrast agents for ultrasound imaging.


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