Joao Tourais joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

News - 04 February 2020 - Communication ImPhys

Joao Tourais born in Lisbon (Portugal) in 1992. He obtained his Bachelor (2013) and his Master Degree (2015) in Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics from the University of Lisbon. His master thesis focused on the implementation and evaluation of a new Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) approach for whole-heart T2 mapping of the myocardium and was developed at King’s College London. From October 2015 until June 2019, he was a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at Philips (Best, The Netherlands) and Technical University of Eindhoven with a research focuses on dynamic 3D MRI of the whole-heart.

From January 2020, Joao joined the Magnetic Resonance Systems Lab at the Department of Imaging Physics. At the Mars Lab, Joao will use basic physical principles to quantify electrical properties of the heart as a biomarker for tissue damage in response to radiation in order to detect subtle tissue damage and ultimately link tissue irradiation to radiotoxicity.