422 results

11 December 2019

Paper Optics group highlighted as Editor's Pick in Applied Optics Magazine

Paper Optics group highlighted as Editor's Pick in Applied Optics Magazine

The paper "Multimode Fiber Coupled Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors with High Detection Efficiency and Time Resolution" of the ImPhys Optics group has been chosen as Editor's Pick of the Applied Optics magazine.

10 December 2019

Combination of microscopy techniques makes images twice as sharp

Combination of microscopy techniques makes images twice as sharp

Researchers at Delft University of Technology have combined two existing super-resolution microscopy techniques to create a new method. Many experts thought that combining these techniques was not technically possible. The new, combined method enables researchers to visualize the tiny components of living cells better than ever before. Among other things, this can lead to new insights for healthcare.

09 December 2019

Joseph Braat receives the Holst award medal from TU/e Rector Frank Baaijens

Joseph Braat receives the Holst award medal from TU/e Rector Frank Baaijens

Joseph Braat, professor emeritus ImPhs receives the Holst award medal from TU/e Rector Frank Baaijens. The Holst Memorial Lecture Award Committee nominates prof.dr.ir. Joseph Braat for his important contributions in the field of Imaging Optics. Joseph Braat provided essential contributions that enabled, but reach far beyond optical recording (e.g. CD, DVD).

05 December 2019

Wenxiu Wang joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Wenxiu Wang joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Wenxiu Wang will be working in the group of Bernd Rieger on computational microscopy for her PhD study. She got her Master's degree in Photonics in Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena in Germany.

02 December 2019

MSc Students Applied Physics visted Abbe School of Photonics-Jena

MSc Students Applied Physics visted Abbe School of Photonics-Jena

The Dutch Optics Centre (DOC) organized a trip for MSc students to introduce them to the joint master track “Optical Imaging”. In this master track students have the possibility to study abroad during their second year at the Abbe School of Photonics in Jena.

25 November 2019

David Maresca invited speaker at the BEI Meeting Delft Neuroscience & Engineering

David Maresca invited speaker at the BEI Meeting Delft Neuroscience & Engineering

How do we read, write and block activity in neurons? Is it possible to design specific neural tissues with particular 3D and ion channel make-up? These are only two of the questions that live among the group of close to thirty neuroscience enthusiasts who signed up for the first meeting on Delft Neuroscience and Engineering.

22 November 2019

Transition coordination role Delphi from TNO to TU Delft

Transition coordination role Delphi from TNO to TU Delft

The coordination role of the Delphi consortium, headed by Dr. Eric Verschuur, has been officially transferred on November 15th from TNO (the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) to TU Delft. In addition to this transition, a supervisory board has been established consisting of the Deans of Applied Sciences (TNW) and Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CiTG) and one representative of TNO.

21 November 2019

Leon van der Graaff and Sjoerd Stallinga published paper on “Multi-line fluorescence scanning microscope for multi-focal imaging with unlimited field of view”

Leon van der Graaff and Sjoerd Stallinga published paper on “Multi-line fluorescence scanning microscope for multi-focal imaging with unlimited field of view”

Leon van der Graaff and Sjoerd Stallinga have recently published a paper in Biomedical Optics Express on “Multi-line fluorescence scanning microscope for multi-focal imaging with unlimited field of view”. The paper proposes a new optical design for laser illumination of large area fluorescent tissue slides, in which Point Spread Function engineering using diffractive optics is used to create a set of parallel scan lines that focus at different depths inside the sample.

13 November 2019

New MEP project available: Aberration retrieval in SEM

New MEP project available: Aberration retrieval in SEM

The master student (m/f) will work together in a small team of scientists to select the one or two most promising approaches to retrieve the aberrations of a SEM. Some theory needs to be worked out and translated into an experimental plan. For instance, to define the conditions to record distorted SEM images from which the aberrations can be retrieved. And, of course, (s)he will get trained how to operate a state-of-the-art SEM independently.

13 November 2019

Kick off meetings 4TU and NWA-ORC projects

Two of our most recent projects 4TU ‘High Tech for a Sustainable Future' and the NWA-ORC ProtonBubble project: ‘Optoacoustic sensor and ultrasonic microbubbles for dosimetry in proton therapy’, have now started officially. If you are interested to join this project as a PostDoc or Promovendus, please contact Prof Nico de Jong or David Maresca.


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