
In the ORCHID setup, a circuit is created in which an organic fluid flows, acting as a liquid in the low-temperature section and as a dense vapor in the high-temperature section. The hot vapor can be directed to a supersonic nozzle for fundamental gas dynamics experiments and to a mini ORC turbine for testing purposes.

Research Needs/Objectives:

  • Experimental data on non-ideal compressible fluid dynamics with applications in ORC turbines and unconventional turbomachines.
  • Accurate measurements for the validation of CFD codes.
  • Development of design guidelines for a supersonic mini ORC turbine.

The ORCHID setup is extensive, but DEMO's work primarily focuses on the Nozzle Test Section.

For more information and details, see the website: ORCHID (tudelft.nl) (you may need to search for ORCHID on the TU Delft website).