News & Events


12 January 2022

Stefan Buijsman in Filosofie Magazine over algoritmes en schuldgevoel

Stefan Buijsman in Filosofie Magazine over algoritmes en schuldgevoel

Stefan Buijsman legt in zijn column uit waarom het problematisch is dat algoritmes geen schuldgevoel hebben.

10 December 2021

Stefan Buijsman in Filosofie Magazine over computergestuurde beslissingen

Stefan Buijsman in Filosofie Magazine over computergestuurde beslissingen

Kunstmatige intelligentie is overal en kan dingen die het menselijke brein niet kan. Maar de computer kan ons nog niet, zoals een mens, uitleggen waarom hij een bepaalde beslissing neemt. Stefan Buijsman: 'Wat doorslaggevend is bij computergestuurde beslissingen is niet te achterhalen.'

21 June 2021

New EGE statement on ethics and governance for responsible future making

New EGE statement on ethics and governance for responsible future making

The European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) published its Statement “Values for the future: the role of ethics in European and global governance”. Professor Jeroen van den Hoven is a member of EGE and rapporteur of this statement. The statement suggests that only a profoundly inclusive deliberation on values can ensure a shared, egalitarian and sustainable future making. The statement has been delivered to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.

06 January 2021

Universiteit van NL lecture Filippo Santoni de Sio: How to keep robots under control?

Universiteit van NL lecture Filippo Santoni de Sio: How to keep robots under control?

In a new series of English lectures of the Universiteit van Nederland (University of the Netherlands), Filippo Santoni de Sio talks about the delicate balance between the 'robot dream' and the 'robot doom'. In his lecture 'How can we keep robots under control?' he explains that you should include human values in the design of a robot from the start of the designing process. Only then can you speak of 'meaningful human control'.

18 September 2020

Filippo Santoni de Sio on about social robots

Filippo Santoni de Sio on about social robots

When are robots good for us? And how can they be bad for us? 'When people have the ability to choose freely, and choose to spend time with robots instead of people, that’s a legitimate choice. But the choice has to be authentically free — not just the result of market forces (like tech companies pushing us to adopt addictively entertaining robots) or other economic and social pressures', says Filippo Santoni de Sio, a tech ethics professor at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.