News & Events


19 September 2022

Responsible AI in Military Applications - Call for Papers

Responsible AI in Military Applications - Call for Papers

Artificial Intelligence can bring great advantages to the military, but at the same time it poses unique risks when applied in this domain. It comes with questions of accountability and responsibility, human control, legitimacy, human dignity and human autonomy. Researchers from the TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre will be putting together a special issue in the journal Ethics and Information Technology on Responsible AI in Military Applications. The editors welcome contributions.

29 July 2022

Are we ready for the upcoming technological storm?

Are we ready for the upcoming technological storm?

Are we, as a society, ready for developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G and The Internet of Things, creating a ‘perfect technological storm’? Researchers of the Delft University of Technology study this matter.

22 June 2022

Responsible Use of Data and AI in Social Security - Vacancy for a PhD Position

Responsible Use of Data and AI in Social Security - Vacancy for a PhD Position

Decisions regarding social benefits are supported more and more by data-driven analyses and AI algorithms. The use of technology in this domain brings with it serious risks. The digital tools developed are often based on sensitive personal data and their outcomes can have serious consequences for citizens already in a vulnerable position. As such, it is important that these digital technologies respect central values of fairness, non-discrimination, privacy, and human dignity. The central challenge for this PhD position is to formulate design requirements that ensure that resulting technologies respect these core values.

17 June 2022

Jeroen van der Hoven in Reformatorisch Dagblad over Delft Digital Ethics Centre

Jeroen van der Hoven in Reformatorisch Dagblad over Delft Digital Ethics Centre

"Kunstmatige intelligentie ontwikkelt zich razendsnel. Dat is ook de reden dat de wetgeving en de rechterlijke macht altijd achter de feiten aanlopen. Het recht heeft tijd nodig om bindende normen te ontwikkelen. Daardoor komt er steeds meer ruimte voor ethiek in de techniek. De ethiek vult een vacuüm op: het fungeert als een voorportaal van het reguleren van de techniek per wet.”

18 May 2022

Jeroen van den Hoven in Stadszaken over TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre

Jeroen van den Hoven in Stadszaken over TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre

In het Digital Ethics Centre nemen onderzoekers van de TU Delft, samen met overheidsinstellingen en bedrijven, ethische vraagstukken rondom kunstmatige intelligentie, machine learning en digitalisering onder de loep.