425 resultaten

25 februari 2019

ZonMw grant for Elizabeth Carroll and Nicolò Ceffa

ZonMw grant for Elizabeth Carroll and Nicolò Ceffa

Nicolò Ceffa (postdoc) and Elizabeth Carroll have been awarded a grant from ZonMw to develop light sheet nanoscopy to detect and track the bioaccumulation of plastic nanoparticles in zebrafish.

25 februari 2019

ImPhys co-organizes 2nd Face2Phase conference in Delft

ImPhys co-organizes 2nd Face2Phase conference in Delft

The Face2Phase event is co-organized with the AOIM XII and will take place in Delft on 23-25 October 2019. It addresses imaging with phase information and covers topics such as lensless imaging, aberration retrieval, adaptive and active optics, ptychography, holography, tomography, phase retrieval and applications.

06 februari 2019

Ted Young en Ronald Ligteringen brengen interactief e-boek uit

Ted Young en Ronald Ligteringen brengen interactief e-boek uit

Emeritus hoogleraar Ted Young en Ing. Ronald Ligteringen van de afdeling Imaging Physics hebben een interactief e-boek over stochastische signaalverwerking uitgebracht.

01 februari 2019

Phablabs photonics hackathon

Phablabs photonics hackathon

From 8 February until 30 March 2019, a photonics hackathon will be organized at the Science Centre every Friday (9h - 12h) and Saturday (12h - 17h). Anyone aged 14-64 who wants to turn ideas into great photonics projects using techniques such as 3D-printing and lasercutting is more than welcome to join. The hackathons are free of charge and participants will get up to €160,- in sponsored materials. Dr. Aurèle Adam of ImPhys is one of the organizers of this challenging and exciting outreach project.

01 februari 2019

Jos de Wit joined our group as PhD student

Jos de Wit joined our group as PhD student

We would like to welcome our new PhD Student Jos de Wit. Jos will work on the Pathoview project. His supervisor is Jeroen Kalkman.

30 januari 2019

Lena Filatova successfully defended her PhD thesis

Lena Filatova successfully defended her PhD thesis

On January 28th, 2019 Lena Filatova successfully defended her PhD thesis on “Assessing Brain Structure and Function with Diffusion-Weighted MRI: Application to Stroke".

30 januari 2019

ASML takes over Mapper Lithography

ASML takes over Mapper Lithography

ASML Agrees to Acquire Mapper Assets and Intends to Offer Continued Employment to Staff - ASML Intends to Take Over the Majority of Mapper Employees in Addition to the Company’s IP. Mapper Lithography is a startup company of ImPhys.

24 januari 2019

Guest researcher Bob Kruizinga joined our group

Guest researcher Bob Kruizinga joined our group

Bob Kruizinga, researcher at TNO Optics joined our group for one day per week to intensify the exchange of knowledge between the TU Delft and TNO.

24 januari 2019

Mathijs Garming nominated for posterprize at Physics@Veldhoven

Mathijs Garming nominated for posterprize at Physics@Veldhoven

Mathijs Garming's poster on ultrafast light-electron microscopy received a nomination for the overall poster prize at the annual Dutch physics meeting Physics@Veldhoven.

10 januari 2019

Ali Alfaraj joined our group as PhD

Ali Alfaraj joined our group as PhD

Ali is a PhD student from Saudi Aramco, who did his MSc in Delft within the IDEA league geophysics program and also spent two years at UBC in Vancouver. He will working within the Delphi consortium and focus on all challenging issues that are related to imaging and inversion of seismic measurements on land.


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