425 resultaten

08 oktober 2019

Sven Weerdenburg joined ImPhys as PhD student

Sven Weerdenburg  joined ImPhys as PhD student

Sven Weerdenburg will work on Lensless Imaging of 3D Nanostructures with Soft X-Rays as part of a consortium LINX. His superviser is Wim Coene.

07 oktober 2019

Bas van der Hoeven joined ImPhys as MSc student

Bas van der Hoeven joined ImPhys as MSc student

Bas van der Hoeven has joined the lab of Elizabeth Carroll for his Nanobiology MEP. He will implement an image analysis pipeline for whole-brain calcium imaging in living zebrafish, and use light sheet microscopy to compare brain dynamics in a fish model without microglia to determine how microglia shape brain development.

07 oktober 2019

Ying Tang succesfully defended his PhD thesis

Ying Tang succesfully defended his PhD thesis

On October 2nd Ying Tang succesfully defended his PhD thesis "Applications of Optical Birefringe: with Natural-Matrials and Meta-Materials".

12 september 2019

Sjoerd Stallinga en Bernd Rieger organiseren Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Symposium

Van 26 tot 28 augustus organiseerden Sjoerd Stallinga en Bernd Rieger van de afdeling Imaging Physics het 9e Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Symposium, een bijeenkomst voor wetenschappers die werkzaam zijn op het gebied van single-molecule superresolutiebeeldvorming.

02 september 2019

ERC starting grant for Daan Brinks

ERC starting grant for Daan Brinks

Five TU Delft researchers have been selected to receive an ERC Starting Grant. One of these researchers works at ImPhys. The grant (1,5 million euros for a five-year programme) is intended to support scientists who are in the early stages of their career and have already produced excellent supervised work.

18 augustus 2019

Publication Boling Ouyang on integratede photonics in Optics Expresss

Publication Boling Ouyang on integratede photonics in Optics Expresss

The paper of Boling Ouyang: “Integrated photonics interferometric interrogator for a ring-resonator ultrasound sensor” has been published on Optics Express.

16 augustus 2019

Tian Zhang's paper on Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI published in PLOS ONE

Tian Zhang's paper on Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI published in PLOS ONE

Tian Zhang's paper "A pharmacokinetic model including arrival time for two inputs and compensating for varying applied flip-angle in dynamic gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging" is published in PLOS ONE.

14 augustus 2019

Paper Lena Filatova published in Radiology: "White Matter by Diffusion MRI Following Methylphenidate Treatment: A Randomized Control Trial in Males with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder"

Paper Lena Filatova published in Radiology: "White Matter by Diffusion MRI Following Methylphenidate Treatment: A Randomized Control Trial in Males with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder"

Treatment with methylphenidate appears to affect specific tracts in brain white matter in boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder according to this study published in the journal Radiology.

09 augustus 2019

M&M2019 poster prizes for ImPhys PhDs Maurice Krielaart and Ryan Lane

M&M2019 poster prizes for ImPhys PhDs Maurice Krielaart and Ryan Lane

ImPhys Phd’s Maurice Krielaart and Ryan Lane have won poster prizes at the Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019 conference in Portland (USA)

02 augustus 2019

Two NWO START-UP grants for ImPhys: David Maresca and Sebastian Weingärtner

Two NWO START-UP grants for ImPhys: David Maresca and Sebastian Weingärtner

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded nearly three million euros to seven recently appointed researchers in physics and chemistry through the START-UP programme. Both David Maresca and Sebastian Weingärtner have been awarded with a grant


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