424 resultaten

13 november 2018

Daan Brinks accepted a zero-hour position as principal investigator at the Erasmus MC

Daan Brinks accepted a zero-hour position as principal investigator at the Erasmus MC

To strengthen the collaboration between Imphys and Erasmus MC, Daan Brinks has accepted a zero-hour position as principal investigator in the Molecular genetics department of Erasmus starting November 15.

09 november 2018

Lauryna Šiaudinytė joined our group as Post-Doc

Lauryna Šiaudinytė joined our group as Post-Doc

Lauryna Šiaudinytė joined our group as Post-Doc. She will work on "Coherent Fourier scatterometry for reconstruction of subwavelength features of printed nanostructures". Her supervisor is Paul Urbach.

09 november 2018

Leo Hoogerbrugge joined our group as PhD student

Leo Hoogerbrugge joined our group as PhD student

Leo Hoogerbrugge started 1 November as a PhD student within the Delphi Consortium project. He will focus on the theoretical aspects of the seismic inversion framework that is currently used within Delphi and make extensions to heterogeneous media and including elastic effects. His supervisor is Eric Verschuur.

02 november 2018

Sjoerd Stallinga appointed as professor

Sjoerd Stallinga appointed as professor

22 oktober 2018

Bernd Rieger joins Legatus

Bernd Rieger joins Legatus

Prof. Bernd Rieger joined Legatus Delft, a network which consists of 66 professors from the TU Delft. Aim of the network is to promote Delft as a city for organizing scientific conferences. Legatus does this in cooperation with the Delft Convention Center. Since the establishment in 2012 they already managed to get 100 conferences to Delft, which represents a revenue of roughly 26 million Euro (ICCA).

17 oktober 2018

Coverstory for Robert Moerland et al in "Nanoletters"

Coverstory for Robert Moerland et al in "Nanoletters"

Fluorescence decay dynamics inside opaque, metal-coated nanocavities can be spatially resolved using excitation with a focused pulsed electron beam. The cover illustrates the launching of the electron pulses, their penetration of the metal coating, and their subsequent nanoscale excitation of embedded gain medium inside the cavity. As a consequence, the gain medium luminesces with a decay rate that depends strongly on the precise location inside and size of the cavity.

12 oktober 2018

Frans Vos received HollandPTC consortium grant for proton therapy research

Frans Vos received HollandPTC consortium grant for proton therapy research

€2,7M has been awarded within the HollandPTC consortium to researchers of ErasmusMC, LUMC and TU Delft for joint proton therapy research.

04 oktober 2018

Jacob Hoogenboom has taken over the CPO leadership from Pieter Kruit

Jacob Hoogenboom has taken over the CPO leadership from Pieter Kruit

Jacob Hoogenboom has taken over the CPO leadership from Pieter Kruit. Jacob has been with the group now for almost 10 years. During this time he has already caused the group to connect closer to new applications of microscopy and combinations with light microscopy and developments in chemistry and biology. As a group leader he will continue on this path, in collegial cooperation with the other principle investigators in the group.

04 oktober 2018

7 Students will start minor project in Computational Science and Engineering @ImPhys

7 Students will start minor project in Computational Science and Engineering @ImPhys

Two groups of students, will start their minor project in Computational Science and Engineering at Charged Particle Optics. One group (4 students) will be coached by Kerim Arat, and the other group (3 students) will be coached by Luc van Kessel.

03 oktober 2018

Publication by Gyllion Loozen and Jacob Caro in Optics Express

Publication by Gyllion Loozen and Jacob Caro in Optics Express

Gyllion Loozen and Jacob Caro have published an article in Optics Express on the capabilities of an on-chip dual-waveguide optical trap for stable trapping of extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs are small, cell-derived particles that strongly attract attention as biomarkers for cancer.


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