424 resultaten

25 november 2021

Delft Health Initiative (DHI) grant for Qian Tao

Delft Health Initiative (DHI) grant for Qian Tao

The Delft Health Initiative (DHI) brings researchers together who are involved in health research and innovation, in order to focus TU Delft expertise and to contribute to pioneering health technologies within relevant (inter)national research programs. DHI has rewarded Qian Tao with a grant of € 20.000 euro for her submission: 'Not Created Equal: Visualizing Gender Differences in Population-based Screening Trial on Cardiovascular Disease (ROBINSCA)'. Her project has been judged best in the category CardioTech.

23 november 2021

First annual meeting of the Dutch inverse problems community

First annual meeting of the Dutch inverse problems community

On 25 & 26 November 2021 the first annual meeting of the Dutch inverse problems community will be held. Jeroen Kalkman is one of the invited speakers and he will talk about imaging challenges in optical tomography. Eric Verschuur and Koen van Dongen are members of the organizing committee.

05 november 2021

HTSM topsector funding for Ali Mohammadi-Gheidari and Jacob Hoogenboom

HTSM topsector funding for Ali Mohammadi-Gheidari and Jacob Hoogenboom

Ali Mohammadi-Gheidari and Jacob Hoogenboom received a HTSM top-sector funding of € 534.000 for their project: “MEMS-based optics components for high-resolution electron/ion microscopy”. They will study the electron optics performance of designed and fabricated components both experimentally and via computer simulations, including study of the interaction of energetic electrons with the micron- and nanoscale patterned features that form the functional units in the MEMS-components (Roadmap Nanotechnology).

21 oktober 2021

Special topic school on Waves and Transducers started

Special topic school on Waves and Transducers started

Last week, the IEEE-UFFC-S Special topic school on Waves and Transducers started. Thirty “students” with a back-ground varying from astrophysics to biomedical ultrasound, from theoreticians to experimentalists, from academia to industry have gathered together to follow this special topic school. ⁠

19 oktober 2021

Pieter van Velde joined ImPhys as PhD student

Pieter van Velde joined ImPhys as PhD student

Pieter will conduct his PhD research as an external student of the ImPhys department at the RNA Therapeutics Institute of the UMass Medical School. He will focus on gathering, processing and analyzing microscopic single-molecule data. The goal is to conduct molecular research that enables the rapid application of new biological discoveries to solutions for unmet challenges in human health.

11 oktober 2021

Freek Pols published a paper with first-year students

Freek Pols published a paper with first-year students

As part of the final projects of our introductory lab course, students conceived experiments related to the umbrella topic of 'Physics of toys and sports' and carried out the experiments at their homes. This paper revisits two of these experiments described by student teams and illustrates how self-conceived experiments provide opportunities to truly engage students in doing science.

11 oktober 2021

Jordan Gotti joined Imphys as a MSc student

Jordan Gotti joined Imphys as a MSc student

Jordan Gotti joined Imphys from the industrial biotechnology university of Milano Bicocca. She will join the lab of Daan Brinks for a master project and work on a project characterizing expression patterns of voltage sensors in zebrafish embryos.

05 oktober 2021

Léon van Velzen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Léon van Velzen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Léon van Velzen is currently following the Applied Physics master with a focus on instrumentation. The coming months he hopes to contribute to the research group by using software to model the aberration corrected SEM currently being built by Diederik Maas. On this topic he will write his master thesis.

05 oktober 2021

Rubiconbeurs voor TNW-onderzoeker

Maurice Krielaart (ImPhys) heeft van NWO een felbegeerde Rubicon-beurs gekregen.

04 oktober 2021

Haoyang Yin joined ImPhys as MSc student

Haoyang Yin joined ImPhys as MSc student

Haoyang Yin will be doing his Master project in the optics group for the next half year. His supervisors are Silvania Pereira and Dmytro Kolenov. Haoyang will be working on the coherent Fourier scatterometry setup for particle detection. The idea is to add a movable reference mirror in order to retrieve phase information and boost the signal to noise ratio of the scan.


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