Reuben Leveson-Gower Group


Reuben was born in Canberra, Australia to British parents but grew up mostly in the UK. He studied chemistry at the University of Durham in the UK, pursuing an industrial internship in organometallic chemistry and catalysis at SASOL UK in St. Andrews, Scotland. He graduated first in his year, and received the national Salters’ Institute Graduate Prize. In 2018, he moved to Groningen to pursue a PhD with Prof. Gerard Roelfes focussing on artificial enzyme design and evolution using non-canonical amino acids. During his PhD spent he two months learning computational techniques to study enzyme mechanism with Prof. Jean-Didier Maréchal at the Autonomous University of Barcelona with a FEBS Short-Term Fellowship. In 2023, he was awarded his PhD with the distinction cum laude. Since June 2024, he is Assistant Professor in the Biocatalysis Section of the Department of Biotechnology at TU Delft. 

Dr. Reuben Leveson-Gower

Assistant Professor