The Environmental Biotechnology section aims to enhance and improve bioprocesses for waste treatment and resource recovery. To achieve this, the group conducts research on microbial ecosystems at various levels, from molecular to full-scale bioprocesses.

On the microbial ecology level, the focus is on engineering microbial communities to achieve a desired functionality, such as producing energy carriers and precursors. At the process engineering level, the focus is on biofilms.

Both the process and microbial levels are enhanced through innovative molecular-level meta-omics techniques. These provide insights into the metabolome, metaproteome and metagenome, which furthermore enable computational models to predict microbial metabolism and growth.


Academic Staff

Support Staff

Ben Abbas


Patricia van Dam


Dirk Geerts


Miranda Verhulst

Management assistant

Past Academic Staff

Filip Meysman

Former Full Professor (part time) | University of Antwerp | +32 494 06 43 27

David Weissbrodt

Former Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor

Hans Vrouwenvelder

Full Professor (part time)