
The section Biocatalysis brings together scientists in the area of biocatalysis, enzymology, organic chemistry and molecular imaging.

Our research on fundamental understanding of enzymes and the application thereof in organic chemistry, forms the basis for the application of enzymes in industrial processes. Green Chemistry is one of our leitmotivs. 

Our research projects range from fundamental insight into enzymatic principles, to engineering of enzymes and integration of these enzymes into novel synthetic procedures. The combination of biocatalysts and chemocatalysts in one-pot is one of the key expertises in the group. In addition, the search for novel enzymes and novel activities through a combination of smart concise library design, screening with generic assays and bioinformatics modelling, denoted as molecular enzyme evolution, is a growing area. In particular for the future of biomass utilization, novel enzymes are expected to make a major contribution as catalysts.

In the area of molecular imaging, nanoprobes are designed and synthesized for imaging and therapy applications.

The infrastructure of the group consists of state-of-the-art biochemistry, molecular biology, analytical (GC and HPLC) and organic chemistry facilities. The university NMR facility is under the administration of the section.

As a section we contribute to the education of BSc and MSc students in the area of Life Science and Technology (LST) and Molecular Science and Technology (MST). For openings on BSc and MSc research projects students are referred to the webpages on teaching of the individual group leaders. In addition, the annual Advanced Course on Biocatalysis is organized by the section already for many years under auspice of BioTech Delft.

Principal Investigators

Permanent Staff

Irma Zomerdijk

Management assistant

Laura Koekkoek


Marc Strampraad


Natalia Karakitsou


Remco van Oosten


Stephen Eustace

NMR Technician

Former Principal Investigators

Duncan McMillan J.A. (Joop) Peters

Prof.dr. R.A. (Roger) Sheldon