Screen printing is a graphic technique that allows you to work both painterly and very clean. With screen printing, a piece of gauze is stretched over a frame. A plastic strip (called a squeegee) that is moved across the gauze presses the ink onto an object. As parts of the gauze are covered, the desired shapes emerge. A print can be printed in series or as a one-off print. A screen print can consist of one print run or of several (colour) layers next to or on top of each other. The screen printing technique can be used on almost any material, provided the right ink is used.

During this course you will learn the basics of screen printing. You start by making your design, either digitally or using analogue means. To be suitable for screen printing, your design must meet a number of criteria. You learn how to build up a picture when you want to use several different colours, for example. You then transfer your design to the screen and start the printing process. You will learn about the different types of substrate and the corresponding ink types.

The course offers plenty of room to experiment with colour, layout and substrate. You are free to choose your own project; there are no fixed assignments. The teacher is always available to help people with their individual projects.

Schedule & enrolment



Category 1 - Student
Category 2 - TU Delft employee
Category 3 - Other

You do not need an X-subscription to follow this course. However, you do need an account in our webshop, which yo can create with your NetID. Don't have a NetID? Then drop by X to create an account.

Practical Information

Wear clothing that you don't mind getting dirty. All materials are included and will be provided during the classes. You can also prepare a design for the first class, but this is not obligatory. 

The Open Studio: Screen Printing is open to anyone with an X subscription who has completed a Screen Printing course, at any time when an assistant is present. All you need to do is register beforehand. The assistant is there to help when needed, to give tips and advice and to ensure that all materials and equipment are used responsibly and safely.

During the Open Studio: Screen Printing you are welcome to use the screens, lighting equipment, squeegees and other tools. Transparencies, emulsion, paint and printable materials (canvass bags and 200g and white paper 70 x 100 cm) are available for purchase. Or you can bring your own printable materials.

Interested in finding out what happens every weekend in the Open Studio: Fine Arts? If so, join the Facebook group.

Schedule & enrolment


The Open Studio: Fine Arts and events are included in the X subscription.

Check the rates

Practical Information

Experience necessary
Assistants available
Reserve in advance, the day before from 13:00
Friday from 18:00 until 23:00 and Saturday from 12:00 until 18:00