The masseur is one of the experts within Boost. Massages help you achieve a better balance in your daily life. There are different kinds of massages for different parts of the body, so please book an appointment if a specific area is giving you trouble. Or you crave some general relaxation.

On a dynamic campus with students and employees with great ambitions, personal care sometimes unintentionally takes a back seat. Boost revolves around you! We believe that prevention is better than cure and Boost can help you keep the balance. Are you in need of a mental or physical a Boost? Please book an appointment with one of our specialists. At Boost you can find specialists with various expertise in an approachable setting: a masseur and, a physiotherapist for a physical boost and counsellors of Career & Counselling Services (C&CS) to focus on your mental wellbeing. Our experts work together so that they can help you in the best possible way.


On Monday (with Yann) and Wednesday (with Roos), our masseur offers two kinds of massage, sports and relaxation massage. A sports massage, in combination with a good warm-up, prepares you for exercise by stimulating the right muscle activity. This reduces the risk of injury and stiff painful muscles after sporting activity. A sports massage after a work-out helps reduce symptoms of fatigue and muscle tension. A relaxation massage helps you wind down. As a result, your body and your mind relax more fully. Experience it for yourself and book a massage!

Schedule & enrolment 25 min Massage

Schedule & enrolment 50 min Massage


Yann Le Nouen

Yann is educated as a Sports Masseur and has recently been trained as an accredited massage therapist. In 2012 he started Nature Balance Massage, with currently three practices in Delft and The Hague. Since 2018 he cooperates with the Sports Medical Center and gives massages to professional beach volleyball players.

Roos van Paridon

Roos recently joined the Nature Balance Massage. Roos has a diploma as wellness masseur. She graduated in 2019. Afterwards she worked in a massage salon for a few years and has developed herself in sport massages.



Sport massage/relaxation massage (25 min)
Student € 25
Employee € 45
Others € 50

Sport massage/relaxation massage (50 min) 
Student € 43
Employee € 77,40
Others € 86

*You don't need a subscription.



Practical Information

The masseur is available between 17:15 - 20:15. Yann gives massages on Monday, and Roos gives massages on Wednesday. Every other week a masseur is also available on Tuesday between 19:15 - 21:15..

Individual, max. 1 participant

Duration session: 25 or 50 minutes 

Book a session using the button below:
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