A strong core is the foundation for nearly every movement you make, both in daily life and during sports. A well-trained core improves your posture, helps prevent injuries, and increases your overall stability and strength. By regularly training your core muscles, you ensure that your body functions better and your performance improves, whether you're exercising or going about your daily activities.

During the 45-minute CORE training, the instructor focuses on the muscles of your abdomen, back, pelvic floor, and glutes. The exercises you perform also work other muscle groups, giving you a complete workout. The training mainly consists of bodyweight exercises, and each session offers a varied programme.

This ticket hour is perfect if you want to strengthen your core and improve your overall fitness level. The lessons are accessible and challenging, regardless of your fitness level.

Schedule & enrolment


This ticket hour will be led by different fitness instructors.


You need an X subscription for this ticket hour.

Check the rates

Practical Information

Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. Also, bring a towel and a water bottle.