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How to supervise individual students during a BA or MA graduation assignment and / or a PhD-programme? SUPERVISE consists of 3 sessions in which you will focus on your skills as a supervisor: how to communicate with the student, how to motivate him/her and how to monitor progress?   

In this module you are requested to participate actively by discussing cases, brainstorming about supervision strategies, sharing experiences, bringing in own cases, and practicing your skills in practice simulations. Every session you will hone your skills by doing exercises in small groups and practicing conversation techniques. We will pay attention to the start of the project, the milestones and your roles as supervisor in the different stages of the graduation or PhD-project.   


Learning Objectives 

By the end of this course, you should be able to:  

  • LO1: Explain your roles and responsibilities as a supervisor  
  • LO2: Prepare the first meeting with your student in which you pay attention to process, procedure and content.  
  • LO3: Create a motivational learning environment.  
  • LO4: Provide clear, specific and constructive feedback that will stimulate the learning process of the student.
  • LO5: Manage problem solving during the supervision process:  
    • Pinpoint the cause of the problem by listening, summarising and asking further questions.  
    • Identify who is responsible for solving a given problem.  
  • LO6: Improve your supervision practice:  
    • Reflect on your performance.  
    • Define concrete points to improve. 


Course design  

  • Blended learning (combining face-to-face instruction with online learning). 
  • Number of sessions: 3 
  • Study load: 40 hours (on average) 
  • Assessment: homework assignments during the module, proof of competence. 
  • Admissions requirements: supervising a student or project group during the period of the module. 



To see dates, practicalities and to enrol, visit
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