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UTQ Final Assessment

The Final Assessment is the last stage of your University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) trajectory. A great moment to look back to your learning journey and into the future: It allows you to reflect on how you (will) apply your UTQ learning results and how you would like to further develop your teaching.

You will do this by giving a presentation for the assessment committee (consisting of one educational expert and your director of studies or programme coordinator) and discussing your professionalisation in more depth.


Learning Objectives 

After finishing your Final Assessment, you should be able to: 

  • LO1: Formulate your own vision on teaching and student learning.
  • LO2: Manage the work as a lecturer and can collaborate in a teaching team.
  • LO3: Reflect on the work as a lecturer and on future professional development in teaching.

UTQ Assessment Stages

Stage 1 

You round off the four UTQ modules with a certificate

  • TEACH 

Stage 2 

Once you’ve completed all four UTQ modules you can register for the Final Assessment. 

You will be asked to collect the following documents in one folder and share these with the BKO office:

  • Completed (and revised based on the formative feedback, if applicable) proofs of competence of the four modules 
  • Feedback forms provided by the trainers concerning the proofs of competence of the four modules 
  • Scans of the certificates of the four modules 

Stage 3 

Once your file is complete your session will be planned. You will be invited to give a presentation and interview with the assessment committee to discuss your professionalisation in more depth. At the end of the session the assessment committee will withdraw to reach a decision as to whether you have attained the UTQ. The assessment is then conveyed and explained.

A more detailed description of the process and requirements can be found in the Brightspace ‘UTQ trajectory' to which UTQ participants are given access. All information, enrolment, forms, and additional documents can be found over there. If you don’t have access yet, you can request this via

Practical Information

  • Prepare presentation + formative feedback session
  • Oral presentation (15-20 min) + interview with assessment committee. 
  • Study load: Preparing the presentation should take approximately eight hours, the final assessment meeting takes 90 minutes in total.


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