Resilience by mental skills

On behalf of TU Delft: welcome to Gezondeboel.

Gezondeboel stands for “healthy all’ (gezond = healthy / boel = all). 

With this e-tool for mental skills, students and PhDs enhance their resilience...

  • free of charge
  • anonymously
  • via quick wins

Using Gezondeboel, you as a student or PhD at TU Delft have unlimited access to various online programmes...

  • wherever and whenever you want (also on your mobile device)
  • according to your personal demands and your own pace
  • for reliable information on mental skills

The online programmes of Gezondeboel match many of the experiences, questions and developmental needs of students and PhDs.

Why paying attention to skills?

‘Being a student is more than studying’. Some aspects of (student) life demand more of you than others. What you find challenging and how you respond to it is personal and may differ from other persons. Sooner or later, we usually all face circumstances that can make great demands on us. And often it is the combination of several aspects in your (student) life that can require a high level of energy. Skills help you to cope with challenges and navigate through moments of possible stress. Especially in today’s complex world, these skills are increasingly important.  

Mental skills contribute to your resilience.

Mental skills enable you to influence how you think about things and how you perceive them. Mental skills ensure that you can adapt to challenges, that you feel well and stay mentally healthy. In short: Mental skills contribute to your resilience. You can broaden your mental skills with Gezondeboel.


1. Log in via the button with your Net ID. You will be directed to the dashboard of  Gezondeboel.

2. On the dashboard, click the ‘Treatment overview’ button at the bottom.

3. Search for a specific programme you want to follow by

  1. a. entering the title of a programme under 'search for programmes'.
  1. b. viewing the overview of all programmes.

4. Add this programme to your personal Gezondeboel care plan.

The language settings are automatically adapted to your Net-ID language settings. Do you see a Dutch dashboard? Then you can change your language preference to English by clicking on the green account icon in the top right and selecting ‘settings’ - ‘preferences’ - ‘English’.  

Guidance in the selection of a Gezondeboel online programme:

Below, we guide you in choosing a suitable programme. Can you identify with any of the topics below? Then check which online programme is recommended specifically for this topic.

‘What do I get out of a programme?": For each topic/programme, we have listed the quick wins for you.