Talk with the professors - Dr Servaas Storm

Anggi Paramitha Siregar

TA of Business Analytics, and Inter-and-Intra-Organisational Decision-Making 2023/2024 Courses


How has your experience been as a Teaching Assistant at TPM?

My experience as a Teaching Assistant at TPM has been very great. Being involved in the teaching team has allowed me to learn the subject more deeply and utilise what I have previously learned to enrich both the subject and the learning process. Occupying the intersection between students and part of the teaching team means I can facilitate students and shape the course better. It has been an honour to collaborate closely with professors while advocating for my fellow students. Seeing how I, as a TA, can support students in understanding complex concepts has been incredibly rewarding. I love connecting with new people, sharing knowledge, and helping others, especially my fellow students. All these experiences have made being a TA highly fulfilling.


According to you, why should engineers choose to pursue MOT?

As engineers, we are used to understanding and working on the technical side. We know how things work and how to develop innovative technologies, or at least how technologies work. However, managing technology involves additional complexity, such as managing people and other resources, and considering political and socioeconomic aspects. The business world is interdisciplinary, and MOT provides engineers with the knowledge and skills to manage technology in broader contexts. Whether in a project setting, team setting, organisational level, or even societal level, which is inherently interdisciplinary, MOT addresses all complexities. It includes managing people, finances, and other resources, leading teams, navigating regulations, driving innovations, etc. Engineers need to bridge the gap on the managerial side to succeed in business and become leaders. Expertise in both areas opens up wider perspectives and definitely wider career opportunities.


What do you think makes MOT different from other programmes in management?

The MOT programme is designed for engineers and focuses on equipping them with the necessary skills to bridge the gap and lead their path to becoming managers. It strongly emphasises integrating technology and management, harmoniously combining the perspectives of engineers and managers. Unlike traditional management programmes that primarily focus on business aspects, MOT equips students to understand technological innovations and leverage them strategically within organisations. The interdisciplinary approach considers the complexities at the intersection of technology and management, reflecting real-world business scenarios.


How do you assist students in understanding complex concepts in the MOT program?

As a TA, I use a variety of techniques to simplify complex concepts, considering the perspective of engineering students who are accustomed to concrete ideas. This includes breaking down concepts into smaller, simpler components, explaining them step-by-step, and providing relatable real-world examples. I’m always open to students for discussions, whether inside or outside the classroom. Additionally, I proactively anticipate students’ questions and confusion by being empathetic and putting myself in their shoes. Regularly asking for feedback or comments helps me understand their difficulties and how I can assist them.


⁠What insights have you gained from working closely with professors in the MOT program?

The experiences have been incredibly wonderful for me. They have provided me with valuable insights into effective teaching strategies, different possible methods, course development, and how to foster an enriching and engaging learning environment. I have learned how hard professors work for months to prepare a course, ensuring it is well-received by students and meets all learning objectives. I find it very impressive. Their openness and respect for my views as a student and TA are also something I deeply appreciate. I am involved in many discussions about various aspects of the course, and they genuinely consider my feedback. I am impressed by the collaborative atmosphere they create, despite the difference in hierarchical status between me (student) and them (teachers). I also appreciate the way we work; they provide basic guidelines but also allow some room for freedom, trusting me as a TA. Their trust is priceless.