Talk with the professors - Dr Servaas Storm

Christos Kougias

TA of the Emerging and Breakthrough Technologies 2023/2024 Course


How has your experience been as a Teaching Assistant of TPM?

Being a Teaching Assistant in TPM has been an inspiring experience.  As a second-year MOT student, I had the opportunity to collaborate with the TPM professors, enhance my learning journey, and contribute to the teaching process of the MOT MSc program. Overall, it was a wonderful and enriching opportunity for me.


According to you, why should engineers choose to pursue MOT?

For engineers, management studies are a valuable tool that helps them understand things from a different perspective. The MOT program is an excellent way for engineers to begin their management studies and bridge the knowledge gap between engineering and management. Additionally, the program is offered by a technical university, which allows engineers to engage in interdisciplinary learning and acquire a diverse set of skills, knowledge, and experiences.


What do you think makes MOT different from other management programs?

The MOT program at TU Delft is distinct due to its strong engineering focus. It emphasizes the importance of innovation, engineering, and technology from day one. This approach provides engineers with the opportunity to view technology from a managerial perspective. Moreover, the program is designed exclusively for engineers, targeting the specific skills and knowledge they need to become successful managers.


How do you assist students in understanding complex concepts in the MOT program?

As a second-year student, I am already familiar with the complex concepts of the MOT program. This allows me to share my knowledge in a way that benefits the students. They can approach me with any course-related issues, and I am always available to help.

Additionally, as an engineer, I strive to find innovative methods to accelerate knowledge transfer, ensuring that MOT students gain a solid understanding of the concepts.


What insights have you gained from working closely with professors in the MOT program?

Working closely with the professors in the MOT program has given me the opportunity to collaborate with exceptional professionals. Their research work and their forward-thinking mindset are truly inspiring. This collaboration has deepened my understanding of MOT concepts and has significantly enriched my studies.