TU Delft is known worldwide for its successful student teams. These teams, called D:DREAM in Delft, are entirely managed by the motivated students themselves. From team management, to designing and producing their inventions, it all happens in the D:DREAM hall.

Because at this place, located on the TU Delft campus, young engineers turn dreams into reality.

Within the student teams, students from different study programmes work together. Students from the Faculty of Applied Sciences (BSc programmes Life Science and Technology, Molecular Science and Technology, Nanobiology and Technische Natuurkunde) are also in high demand and enjoy working together on innovative solutions to problems.

Read about student teams sponsored by the Faculty of Applied Sciences here, which often include students from our programmes:

Delft Hyperloop

HELIOS III - The newest design of Delft Hyperloop VIII

Eco-Runner Team Delft

Accelerate the Future | Eco-Runner Team Delft


TU Delft TV // Emergence Delft 1 // New Media Project


Epoch IV | Team Introduction Video

Formula Student Team Delft

Formula Student Team Delft | TNW

Space Oasis Delft

Space Oasis Delft: Meet Our Life Support Biologist

Team Forze

Forze Hydrogen Racing promo video TNW