News and agenda

21 March 2018

‘Using chemistry to close the CO2 cycle’

If we want to make the world more sustainable, then we need to find a solution for CO2. Professor Wiebren de Jong (TU Delft) from the Department of Process & Energy (Large-Scale Energy Storage section, LSE) is working hard on this problem.

15 February 2018

Small droplets for better crystals

Small droplets for better crystals

Sometimes it’s not just the chemical composition of a substance that matters but also the way in which the ingredients are ordered at the atomic level: the crystal structure. For example, the wrong crystal structure of one and the same material could mean the difference between an effective and a failed drug.

15 February 2018

Small droplets for better crystals

Sometimes it’s not just the chemical composition of a substance that matters but also the way in which the ingredients are ordered at the atomic level: the crystal structure. For example, the wrong crystal structure of one and the same material could mean the difference between an effective and a failed drug.

01 February 2018

Collaboration grant awarded to Department of Process & Energy and MIT

Collaboration grant awarded to Department of Process & Energy and MIT

A new initiative focussing on intensifying collaborations between Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Process & Energy division of 3ME has just been granted . Massachusetts International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) awarded Global Seed Funds Award, worth 30,000$ to the Intensified Reaction System (IRS) group of the Department of Process & Energy.

31 January 2018

Professor Christian Poelma’s inaugural speech: ‘Opaque Flows Clarified’

On Friday 16 February 2018, Christian Poelma, professor of multiphase systems at the Department of Process & Energy, will deliver his inaugural speech ‘Opaque Flows Clarified’’. The speech will begin at 3 PM in TU Delft’s Aula

17 January 2018

Paulien Herder joins 3mE for e-Refinery initiative

Paulien Herder, professor of energy systems at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management and chair of the Delft Energy Initiative, joined the Department of Process and Energy part time on 1 January 2018 in order to run the e-Refinery initiative. E-Refinery is a university-wide initiative of TU Delft that sees three faculties (AS, 3mE and TPM) joining forces in the field of the electrification of the chemical and energy sectors.

07 December 2017

Burak Eral and Luigi Sasso join forces to fight kidney stones

Burak Eral and Luigi Sasso join forces to fight kidney stones

When the opportunity arose to set up a cohesion project, Burak Eral did not hesitate for a second. Burak Eral is a Tenure-Track lecturer at the Department of Process & Energy in the area of crystallisation & solids processing. He knew right away who he wanted to work with: Luigi Sasso, a Tenure-Track lecturer at the Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering and an expert in the area of micro-manufacturing and sensors. A good match, as it turns out. Burak and Luigi have come up with a method to fight kidney stones.
